She's Going Down

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The next couple days went by pretty well. Troy and my relationship was going pretty good, I'm glad it wound up the way it did. I haven't really seen Zach or Charlie in a while, so I haven't really had either of them on my mind lately. But Troy wouldn't get out of my head, as per the usual. The thing is with both Troy and Newt, is that they both make me feel special, but differently.

When I look into Newt's eyes, I see sweetness, gentleness, like he'd never hurt me, like he'll always be there for me, and will hold my hand when I need it. When I look into Troy's eyes, I feel protected. I feel like he's got my back no matter what and I feel safe around him. It's completely different but exactly the same. Well, for that time being anyway.

The next night, both Troy and Newt came to hangout with me. I love hanging out just the three of us, I'm never bored, I've always got something to do, someone to talk to. It's kinda fun! We decided all to campout in my bed for the night. I slept in the middle of course, I wanted to be next to both of them and neither wanted to sleep in a bed next to each other, so it worked out. I faced myself toward Troy and he held me in his arms. We did all the things we both loved to do. I kissed his neck, he rubbed my back, it was perfect. After doing a little more of those things, I zoned out because I had reached my damn climax and I was freaked out a bit. I always turned to face toward Newt when I was all freaked and needed to calm down, Troy knew that and didn't mind it at all. It made sense to him, so why not? Newt and I talked for a bit, when I suddenly noticed he seemed kind of upset. "What's the matter?" I asked. "Nothing" Newt assured. "C'mon, you can talk to me" I promised. "It's just people, that's all" he explained. "People from school?" I asked. "Sorta" he answered. "Aw Newt, if someone is bullying you you gotta tell me!" I cried. "Well, it's kinda complicated" he whispered. "Tell me!" I squealed sadly. "I can't tell you, you wouldn't understand" he frowned. "It's alright, I totally get it. You're not beat up or anything so I'll leave it for now if you really want me to" I agreed, pulling him in and hugging him. I squeezed him tightly, I know how it feels to be bullied. Charlotte Newman has been bullying me for years. I know that sometimes all you need is someone to hold you like you mean something. That's what I loved my dad for.

About 20 minutes later, Troy woke up and turned his head toward us. "Bella!" I heard my name called. "What are you guys doing?!" Troy freaked. "No no no, it's not like that! Newt was just upset so I was just being a friend!" I stuttered. "Sure you were, how could you!" Troy yelled. It went silent for a few seconds. "Sit up" Troy demanded. Newt flinched as I slowly sat up. "Sit there" Troy said pointing toward the wall by my bed. I leaned back on the wall, wondering to myself why I was even listening. My thoughts were interrupted when I felt my arms slammed into the wall. Troy sat in front of me, holding me back like prisoner. "I want the truth" I demanded. "What were you guys doing!?" he repeated. "I swear, it wasn't--" he stopped me, by slamming me back into the wall even harder. "Liar! I know you're lying, it's the oldest trick in the book" Troy disagreed. I completely zoned out everything he was saying until I felt myself being yanked away from the wall. He began hitting me every time I said a word. I cried lightly into my blanket I held up to my face. I suddenly felt Troy grip my leg and bend it so it hurt. I began screaming in pain, Newt became extremely fearful and kept silent. My mom wasn't home, she was out with one of her friends. There was nobody to save me now. He kept bending it farther and farther, causing me to keep whaling and crying hard. Just then one of our other friends walked in and acted highly confused. Troy began talking to her like nothing happened and walked out. She left shortly after him and left me and Newt to ourselves.

"It really hurts!" I cried holding my leg. "Here, just don't move it, then I think you'll be fine overnight" Newt suggested. I did as he said and I eventually fell asleep. I knew then and there, nothing was going to be the same.

Hey guys. This chapter was also based on a true story, I'm not gonna say anymore about it because I could get myself in trouble if I do. Anyway, hope y'all enjoyed, the story isn't over yet!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2015 ⏰

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