Part 1 - Meeting

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The rain fell outside the window of the little bakery. Sunshine would have been much better you thought to yourself as you shoved the last of the cake into your mouth. You turned and looked at the piles of homework you needed to get done by tomorrow and sighed. You were smart in school, just not top of your class. When you were getting B's in class you finally decided that you were much better at social cues then mathematics. You grabbed the first paper on top of your stack and started getting hard at work. You felt like you were working forever until you heard the bell on the door of the shop ring. Then you saw the inky black hair and you knew who it was. Well you sorta knew who it was. He came around here almost everyday buying a abundance of sugary foods. You also knew he went to some of your lectures at school, in fact you sat near him multiple times. The thing that made him so different about every other stranger in this shop was he was a very handsome man. You have thought of thousands of way to introduce yourself to him but right before you say something your nerves get the best of you. Maybe one day you would say something to him but your heart went crazy just when he is near you. You decided that you won't be able to focus anymore and grabbed your papers and left, looking quickly back to see him before you opened the door and headed down the sidewalk.

You woke up the next morning with your face laying on your desk. You were up so late your body decided that sleeping on your desk was not a bad idea. You rolled your head over to look at how much time you had before your lecture. The clock read in bright red letters
You shot up. Your lecture started at 10 on the dot. You grabbed you skinny jeans and a basic blue shirt and ran out of your apartment, only to run back in because you forgot all of your books. Your apartment was close to your school but you were not sure you would be able to make it in the next few minutes. You could see the doors in sight and you pulled out your phone to check the time
You opened the door and looked for the first you could find. You saw one open in the third row on the end and sat down. Not until class had started did you notice you were sitting next to the man from the bakery. Your heart started beating in your chest. You were surprised the beating was not interrupting the whole class.

It felt like hours of your heart slamming against your chest when finally class was over. Now was your chance. You needed to say something or else you would never be able to. What should you say though. He was right beside you when you finally mustered up courage. You turned your head to speak and you made complete eye contact. There was no turning back now.

"Don't you go to the bakery downtown? I think I've seen you there before." You said with a smile. How you were smiling in this situation, not even you knew.

"You are there quite often also. Your name is (Y/N) I believe." He stated back in a monotone voice. Barely even a expression on his face. How did he know that? I mean you know you have said your name at the bakery once or twice on the rare occasions you have a long conversation with someone but how could he remember when he was there?

" Well yes it is. May I ask how you knew my name?" You asked, your confidence fleeing.

"Well you have said your name at the coffee shop before. Once the server asked for it after you and her talked about the weather." He said matter of factly. You thought back and you remembered that moment. You only remembered because that server still works there and you both still talk frequently. That conversation had to had happened at least 5 months ago. How could he remember that far back? You wanted to ask him to hang out just for a little, just to figure out how is mind worked.

"Would you want to go to the cafe with me later tonight?" You asked, nervous for a reply. You could see it in his eyes he was going to turn you down. "I'll pay for dessert!" You said a little bit to loudly.

"I can not do tonight but how about this Saturday?" He asked.

"Sure that sounds great." You responded

"Saturday at... How about 3?" He said, "And because of the change in dates on my part, this will be my treat." He said.

"Thank you so much." You responded, "See you then!"

"Bye... Also my name is L" he said back. You had completely forgot to ask his name. How embarrassing. You just smiled a awkward grin and turned away. You could swear you saw a hint of a smile on his face.

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