Part 2 - Courage

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     How had you worked up all that courage to ask him but the day of meeting him you were standing in front of a mirror shaking? So childish. Your heart was thumping like it was trying to escape the cage it occupied. You really tried to dress nicely, but how nice is too nice? What if he hates what you are wearing? What if he doesn't show up? Why are you overthinking everything? It was not a date it was just a meeting between acquaintances. Yes, that's it. That's all it is just some buddies meeting at a bakery. No need to dress up too much-but I mean you did just buy that new dress... It was a pretty causal one too, nothing too extreme. You threw it on, took one last look in the mirror, and left your room.

L's Point Of View

      Watari tried to convince me to dress up. I would rather not. Dressing up for someone to just meet them sounds ridiculous. It's just some classmates meeting, nothing special. Or was it a date... No, no its not. The way Wateri was talking though sure sounded like he was implying a date. I would much rather be doing a 30 pages of notes then try to figure out what any of this means. I feel like there was a book published about picking up on social hints that I forgot to read but yet everyone else did. Everyone had to explain to me when to laugh and when it was unacceptable. I was almost to the bakery and I still have not figured out if this was a date or not. I mean I don't even like her. She seems like a decent girl, plus she could know who Kira is. I walk past the window of the bakery and she is just sitting there at her usual table. I have to stop just to stare. She looks like a work of art. No not something Picasso mashed together. She was something someone spent years just thinking where every line and feature would go before they started. She was dressed so perfect, making her features stand out more than usual. Not even just her physical appearance caught me off guard. Her personality was out of this world. I've only heard her say a few things but she was just nice. That word, "nice" could not even describe her. For once I could not think of the perfect word for her. Then I noticed the chef staring at me and I walked away from the door. I needed a minute. It's not polite to keep someone waiting, Watari taught me that, but I could not get enough oxygen. She was so much to take it. Why has the speed of my heart picked up by 10%? If I have no feelings for her why is my stomach swirling? I know I have to go in there. I've never been this nervous. I mean of course I have been nervous before but not this visibly scared. Watari was right, I should have dressed nicer.

Your POV

   5 minutes late. It was just 5 minutes. Half your mind told you he is running late, but the other half told you that he wasn't coming. You look up to see the chef staring outside the window. That had to be him. You did not want to turn around and shock him while walking in so you stared off in the other direction. The bell never rang to signal him walking in. You turned around expecting to see him outside the window but no one was there. You turned back to see the chef was just smiling a large smug grin.

     10 minutes. 10 minutes of siting alone all dressed up. The side of your mind of him not coming was slowly winning with each passing second. Then the bell rang as the door opened and in walked in L. He looked more dressed up then what you usually see him in. His black hair looked combed through and we was wearing a dress shirt with his usual pants. He looked stunning. Wait. No this is just friends. Nothing more.

"L!" You said grabbing his attention. He looked over and for the first time you saw a genuine smile appear across his face. You were stunned to say the least.

"Hello (Y/N)! I am very sorry for being so late." He said. It was very hard to tell but you could sense that he was just as nervous as you. He sat down across from you and you two ordered. It started with just some small talk but soon it turned to such large questions. Who created us? Why was the earth made? What is out there in space? And a debate on which was the hardest class which was not even a debate when he said they were all easy. The owners of the bakery had to push you two outside when they closed. You guys kept on talking and just walking on sidewalks. You still had one more question you needed to ask.

"L... I have one more question" you asked as you started to cross the street, "was this a date? I mean if it wasn't I completely understand but I rea-" You were cut off by L colliding his body with yours. You started to fall backwards with him laying on top of you. Then you noticed the car driving behind him, speeding down the road. The car though was the least of your concerns. He was no more than a inch away from your face. All you could feel was his breath on your lips, heavily breathing from jumping on you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2016 ⏰

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