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Natasha POV

The first clue that something was wrong appeared virtually out of nowhere.

It was the morning Clint left for a mission and I slept in an extra half hour. I ignored it, got up, and threw up.

After a night of drinking with Tony Stark, most people would expect to throw up. But not me, I can drink the billionaire under the table and still not be sick.

I sat with my back to the wall on the bathroom floor for half an hour before I felt somewhat fine and got up.

I left my room, worked out, and went along with my day.

Three days later, the second clue popped up.

I threw up shortly after waking up. I waited a full hour and I still felt like crap. I got up anyways and went to get dressed. I actually had to be somewhere today, which was very unfortunate because I only felt like sleeping.

I went to get dressed and found my breast to be incredibly sore when I went to put a bra on. I narrow my eyes at what the two are symptoms for.

"Impossible," I breathe.

And I ignore the possibility and continue getting dressed.

I make my way to the kitchen. I'm greeted by an onslaught of "good mornings". I grunt back in response as I go to grab a coffee.

"Day four with Barton," I hear Tony murmuring to himself or maybe it was to Bruce. "Romanoff is grumpy than usual. Does she miss her secret agent boyfriend?"

I flip him the bird as I turn to leave the kitchen with my travel mug.

Yes, I do miss Clint but Tony can piss off with the commentary. I'm not in the mood for his bullshit.

"Or maybe she just got her period," Tony commented.

And I almost lost my composure, but I kept walking. I had not gotten my period in a while. My cycle was irregular on the best of days and it was pointless to try to keep track of it.

But I realized that the last time I could remember having it was over two months ago.

My stomach dropped. It was impossible, I was sterile. But something told me I was wrong.

I was almost at the elevator when I made a decision. I turned back around and stuck my head back into the kitchen.

"Hey Pepper?" I ask. She turns around giving me a bright smile. "Can you help me out with something real quick?"

"Sure," she said following me out the room. She's probably just surprised someone other than Tony and Thor are asking for her help.

"If you're going to kill me," Tony called after us. "I really wouldn't appreciate it!"

I roll my eyes as I escort Pepper onto the elevator and to my floor. As I do, I let my composure drop.

I rake my hand through my hair, exhaling sharply.

"Natasha, what's wrong?" She asks and I laugh. I actually bend forward laughing. What is wrong? I don't even know.

I'm asking for help? Something really must be wrong and I must be going insane thinking of the possibility that I might be pregnant.

So I tell Pepper everything since Clint left. She listens patiently, only nodding before saying, "Is there a possibility you may be?"

I nod.

"The father?" She asks.

I sit back, wondering if I should tell her about Clint and I. We've worked hard to make sure that no one knows that we're a couple, but without him here, I could really use some support.

"Clint," I breathe.

She smiles, "Tony is going to be really happy."

I groan, "I don't even want to think about him. I just want this mess sorted out."

"Okay," Pepper said, all business. "Here's the plan, you go to SHIELD, do whatever you have to do. When you get back, I'll have a test for you to take. After that, we can deal with whatever the test says."

I do as she says. I head to SHIELD and when I get there, Fury isn't even in the building. Maria won't tell me where he is but that he will be back within two hours. She seems almost giddy which annoys me especially since I know she won't tell me why.

I ignore her and wander the base with a surprising amount of time to think.

What if I am? What am I going to do? What am I going to tell Clint? He'd be thrilled, of course, he and I have been talking about adopting for a while since there's not real way for us to have kids.

Until now.

Even with adopting, I'm scared. There's so much that could go wrong. What if I can't love the child? What if I do and someone tried to kill it? What if I hurt the child?

If I am going to have a baby, even more could go wrong and I start to feel sick again thinking about it.

I run into Maria on my way back to her office. Perfect.

"Hey, can I use your computer?" I ask.

She thinks for a minute. "Yes, but log in as a guest."

"You hiding something, Hill?" I tease.

She smirks back, "Don't go through my files!"

I let my smirk fall as I pass her. I log onto her computer and pull up my file. I read over my medical and run a hand over my face. There is no way it's possible. I'm wasting my time worrying about nothing.

"Is there something you're hiding?" A voice asks.

I jump, shoving her laptop closed. Maria is the only person who can sneak up on me. I should have known better.

"Just looking at my medical history," I say causally.

"And your reproduction system," she says. "We're friends, friends share. You can tell me."

"It's freaking impossible," I say.

"Try me."

Two hours later, Maria, Pepper, and I sit on the floor of my bedroom staring and a positive pregnancy stick.

"Well, shit." I say.

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