Chapter 9: I SPY with my little eyes...true love?

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Chapter 9: Third Person POV

The war room erupted in noise. Campers were panicking and in shock. Warriors of Chaos were animatedly trying to calm everyone down with Hermes helping, shooting large noisemakers in the air to grab people’s attentions. Athena and the Big 3 were discussing war plans and wondering how they didn’t noticed the two possessed demigods in their wake. Ares, like the mad man he was, kept pounding on the table screaming, “WAR! WAR! WAR!”

This went on for quite a bit until Ajax screamed, “Shut up, you insolent brats!”

Everyone hushed up, eyes on the assassin, fear clearly visible in their eyes.

“Okay. Now that we have established the fact that we got ourselves two traitors…”

Everyone broke out shouting again.

“Shut up. Let’s go back on schedule. Any plans on how to fight the upcoming war?”

Silence greeted Ajax. They all clearly need a lesson in battle planning, Ajax thought.

Athena spoke up, “I think we should attack now, at least input the element of…”

Ajax cut her off. “My, my Athena. You must be losing your touch, dear cousin. If we did it to your so call plan, the war would be a lost cause. I mean, seriously. Who would charge into a horde of monsters that are twice as large as our army? No one. I suggest we ask the Romans for help once more. Then send one capable soldier whose loyalty wouldn’t waver to the enemy and pretend to join their cause. That spy would help by gathering information, like some weak spots, and secretly reduce the army little by little. If all goes well, then Olympus would gain the upper hand.”

Percy POV:

Again, silence reigned. “It’s too risky and how do you think up of all this?” Athena retorted.

“You never take risks so how would you know? Besides, I’m only following my prophecy…”

“What prophecy?” Apollo asked, interested. “Did you get it from Chaos?”

I sighed. “Yeah. It was  a prophecy issued personally from the Fates. That’s why I’m here in the first place. The prophecy goes something like this:

The chosen one of Chaos shall answer the call.

For Olympus in fire and blood will soon fall.

2 demigods shall turn to dark,

To assist two being in which evil sparks.

In order to prevent affliction

Ask your old war partners for collaboration.

One shall venture to the enemies’ lair

Where he should find allies and true love there

The one should return in 3 weeks’ time

To make a decision that may or may not end the Titans’ crimes.

“I’m just going along with the prophecy. From past experiences, never try to change it. The first four lines have been fulfilled. Currently we are talking about the next four lines. As far as I’m concerned, it seems to me that the fate of the world once again rests upon my shoulder.” I groaned.

“Apparently. Now back to the spy. Who is capable…”

“Are you really asking that question Lord Apollo? It’s obvious it’s Percy. I mean look at the clues. He’s the one sent to protect us, he’s the most capable and skilled and the prophecy belongs to him. Need to know anymore reason?” Thalia smirked.

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