Chapter 1

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Junko slowly walked into the principal’s office. She checked to see if she saw anything suspicious. Her guardian character Hikari told her the principal had hidden secrets. 

“That book all the way up there,” Hikari said pointing towards the top of the bookshelf. Junko stood on her tippy-toes as she reached for the large fantasy inspired white and gold book. 

“Yea, I’m walking into my office now,” the principal’s voice could be heard from inside the room. Quickly Junko grabbed the book and started to climb out of the window with all three of her guardians. Face first, Junko fell onto the ground. 

“Ow,” she said rubbing her head.

“Jun-sama hurry up and get home so we can look inside,” Junko’s second guardian character, Ayako, begged anxious to know what was inside. Sighing but smiling Junko nodded and left the school grounds. 

“Junko! Is that you?” Her mother asked from the kitchen. 

“Yea but I can’t help you today I have homework,” 

“Ok, just make sure it’s finished,” after listening to her mom Junko carried the book upstairs to her room. Before she opened it she ran her smooth fingers across the soft book cover, leaving sparkles on her finger tips. When she opened it the first page was a letter. Junko opened it carefully and read it. 

Dear Future Guardian,

This is a letter from me, the founder, to you. I am trusting that you will take on the responsibility and reform this group and keep the world at peace. Your Guardians should be able to guide you to the right members for the teams. There will be nine total miracles brought to this team. Each member will fit their role perfectly. 

As she read on the bottom of the letter was blank. Just as she was about to close it some words began to form. 


1.You! You will be the Joker of the team. The only member with three guardian characters. A unique girl who will help the team a lot.

2.King. The King won’t always be the one making the decisions but he will be a great team leader and will be able to keep the group together through hard times. 

3.Queen. She will have her own special personality. Though she is hard headed at times she will second the thoughts on the king and be put in charge when the king is gone. Trust her no matter what. 

4.Jack. The mysterious young man is quick and doesn’t do much but read. Yet he will be one of the strongest members for diversions and setting up an accurate plan.

5.Ace. The last member that will appear to make up the team. She will not be the last of all members but she will for a while. She may seem to be useless at points but remember that everyone is an important member of the team.

6.Heart. She has a pure heart. No matter what she will never leave a teammate behind. The will in her might not always be available because of her shyness but she will pull through. 

7.Spade. The times spent with him will be short but they will be worth the time. Together the two of you will shine light to this world. But not without the help of your team.

8.Diamond. She may worry a lot at times but it’s for the best. She will make sure to help in every way she can. Shining will be her strongest point! 

9.Club. Music, Music and more Music. His talent with instruments is incredible. He also has a talent for basketball. So watch out for his followers. Keeping the Guardian’s true power of the Guardians a secret is important. Past members can help! 

Junko finished reading the letter and looked at her Guardian Characters. 

“Are we up for the task?” Chapt

“Yea!” The three of her guardians yelled. 

“Tomorrow during school we shall hunt out our members and show them the secrets of the past,” 

FYSIYH ~ Shugo Chara Next Generation of the Guardians ~Where stories live. Discover now