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As we walked out of the interview I checked my phone. 300 new twitter followers, 1 text, and 1 DM. The text was my friend Haley, it said "watched the interview...great job boo!!!!" I text back "Thx babe! <33" 

The 300 new followers were probably because of the interview. Lastly, I checked the DM. I think you know who it was...

@Harry_Styles: I saw your interview...I can't wait to buy your single. :)  WOW...now that I'm becoming popular he thinks he could reach out to me... no.

@LiveLoveJackie: I don't even know why you try... he responded almost immediately.

@Harry_Styles: Listen, I'm in NYC. Meet me at the nearest Starbucks to the interview in 10mins. If you want an explanation, you'll be there. x

Am I gonna go? OF COURSE. I want him to know what it was like to fell abandoned for 3 FUCKING YEARS. The real question is does he know who the song is about? Probably not, he's a fucking idiot. 

I opened up a new tweet. @LiveLoveJackie: Thanks to anyone who watched the interview!!! Can't believe the single is out in 13 days!! xoxo

I asked my mom to drop me off a Starbucks and I told her she can do whatever, she just needs to pick me up when I'm done. She agreed, confused but she shrugged it off.

As I walked in I could see a mop of curly hair sitting down at a table, playing on his phone.  I walked over to the table and sat down. He looked up and smiled at me.

"Hey, I got you a frap." He handed it to me.

"Thankyou." I said.

"It's nothing, so I'm sure all you came here for was a explanation... so here it goes." He said.

"I truly did not mean anything. First, management went through my phone and deleted all contacts that they didn't want me talking to, people that they thought were ugly, or would give us bad publicity. And sadly, your number got deleted. They told me that it was best for the band and we would be more successful."

"That dosen't explain why you  fucking UNFOLLOWED me on twitter when I sent you a DM." I said in a tone my mother would not enjoy.

"I'm getting there. They have access to all of our twitters, so when we got DMed by someone that they assumed was irrelevant. I honestly never even saw the message, I thought I still followed you...until I went to see your profile and it said that I don't follow you."

This is insane. I actually kinda believe him, but that's not what he's gonna know. It seems possible that it's true...but that shouldn't be an excuse.

"I don't believe you. Not one bit. And even if it was true, why? If it were me I would never block you out of my life. No matter who told me to." I said coldly. 

A look of guilt spread all over his face. He was speechless. This is the first time I made him speechless.

"Harry, do you have any idea what it was like, feeling abandoned by the person you trusted the most? And do who know what hurts,the fact you thought everything would be normal. I'm not who this person that just wants the fame, I cared about you and all I wanted was good for you, but that's obviously not how you felt." I said.

 He looked up at me tears rolling down his cheeks. He looked heart broken.

"I don't even want an explanation about facebook. Just prove to me that you can as much as I do, I truly want this to work, but it won't if you can't show me that I might be able to call you a best friend again. I'll meet up with you and hang out with you or whatever, just treat me the way I should be. Not like a speck of dust. If you want me to call you a best friend start fucking acting like one." I said clearly pissed. 

"I will treat you like a best friend should, I was stupid and I still am. I missed you so much. I am so dumb."

"Harry, all I want is for you to think about what it was like to have to find out about whats going on in the person you thought was your best friend's life through twitter or the tv." And with that I grabbed my frap and walked away.

I called my mom to pick me up and she came right away. 

"Hey mom." 

"Hi sweetie...who were you meeting up with?"

"Just an old friend." I said trying to hold back my tears.

"Oh okay, you know you can tell me anything right? All this fame might be getting to you but stay strong hun."

"Yea, I know mom, Thanks." I said.

As soon as we got home I ran to my room and sat down, I hadn't noticed I was crying until I say tears on my bed. It was all so confusing. All I know is that I'm not letting him back in without a fight.

Really Don't Care (A Harry Styles/ One Direction Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now