News For All Readers (Again)

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Yes, back again.

My apologies, I honestly thought I'd post about the rewrite and be done with this, but..

Honestly, I decided to rewrite this on a whim. I'm sorry if I got anyone excited to read the new story. In all honesty, I was excited to rewrite it.

However, then I realized something.

This plot, while I enjoyed it at the time I was writing it, is terribly overused, and there's truly no way for me to rewrite it as I currently see fit. I'm sorry, but I feel this story should stay.

It marks a time in my life before I dealt with the hardships I'm dealing with now. It marks a time where the most intense thing was someone writing a little story about me and Elijah, since I loved him so much at the time. Now, things are different.

I've lost all motivation to write anything other than one shots, and I'm not entirely sure I'll keep my other stories going. However, I know that I need to take some time and develop a story I'll be fully satisfied with in the future, even if my style now will pale in comparison to the writing style of my future self. I want to be able to look at my story and not cringe or look on with disgust at who I used to be.

So, please understand, I can't rewrite this book. I need to be able to look back on it and remember how I've improved.

At the time, that was my only story. Now, I have multiple, and it only piles on stress.

So, as far as I'm concerned right now, this story will not be rewritten. I hope you enjoyed the original version, even though it is quite underdeveloped now that I look back on it.

Goodbye, my lovelies, and I hope to produce a work that you'll truly love.

An Impossible Love (Elijah Mikaelson)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora