Chapter 1

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It bounced once, twice, before rolling onto the fresh pavement of the busy highway. Cars streamed by in a blur without even a glance at the small pebble sitting patiently in the center of the lane. She sighed and shook her head wondering if she herself should step out onto the busy highway. Deciding against it, she turned to face the oncoming traffic and continued to walk with her back turned to the city she thought she knew.

With her head down, her backpack pulling her shoulders down and her two suitcases dragging their wheels against the gravel, the motivation to get on a plane before dawn kept her going. She could have easily jabbed her thumb out and caught a ride with some stranger, but the block was preventing her from doing such. She could have hitched a ride, but she didn't.

A wall had been built around her memory so there was no access by anyone, not even her. She had decided that once she left, everything would be okay, she would find a way to live a normal life. And so she built a wall and framed it in her mind as a reminder that there was no going back that way.

However, in doing so she had thrown a few bricks ahead of her that would be next to impossible to move without a little help. Without the other person beside her to help her push through these newly thrown bricks on the path, she would just get stuck. Sure she could try to go around them, but eventually they would start to get bigger until it would be impossible to avoid them.

The bottoms of her already tattered souled shoes dragged against the grey beneath her feet, wearing them down to nothing that would be forced to stay together until she reached the airport and had a chance to sit down on the plane. She was hoping the next flight out wasn't too long of a wait. That was the last thing she wanted, a long wait time.

Black stains crept along the palms of her hands from her cheap suitcase handles she found at a discount price, it was all she could afford at the time being. Tired fingers begged to uncurl and relax for just a minute rather than continue to walk the path gripping to her life in two bags and a backpack. Refusal was in her hands as they kept the suitcases trailing loudly behind her. Luckily, she was on a busy highway instead of in a deserted alley or the dragging of the wheels would be a dead giveaway that she was there.

Bones screamed to stop and take a minute to rest, they pleaded for her to slow down at the least, but she was stubborn. She refused to go any slower and instead, sped up a bit in fear of anyone finding out she had left. The last this she wanted was for someone to pick up the phone and then be brought home. A single tear was caught in her lashes from the thought of what would happen. But she shook her head, biting her lip and promised never again to go down that road physically or mentally. She was stronger now. And tears, well, they were for the weak.

Covering her porcelain skin from the slight, piercing wind was a faded red sweater with a bland white, fitted, low neckline tank top underneath the cotton. Low rise dark denim jeans sat on her frail frame reaching down--with a little extra fabric folding--at her ankles. Her black converse were faded, ripped, the stitching was coming loose and the bottoms were wearing out but they were all that she had.

Straight and black, her long hair was thrown into a low side ponytail and hidden beneath the hood she pulled down further to cover half her face. Electric green eyes shielded from the wind and oncoming traffic, she pressed forward to reach the airport. Her small, 5'4 body fought desperately between stopping for a break and pushing forward.

At last the airport was in sight of her squinting eyes and she decided it better to push herself for the next twenty minutes. She wanted to keep moving. Out of breath she forced in air to her lungs as fuel to the rest of the body ready to quit. She needed to keep moving. Sweat created a pool at the top of her forehead, getting rid of any liquids she should be keeping in. She willed herself to keep moving. Dizziness was a threat coming closer as she neared the airport, she steadied herself once, twice, and a third time, but kept moving forward. She resulted to begging herself to keep moving.

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