chapter 1

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Two cats walking past the thunderclan territory were hunting for birds when they heard yowling and cats fighting one a dark tom turned around and looked at his mate he says "dawn do you hear that" the creamy brown she-cat with blue eyes says. "Tiger we have to check it out " they bound into the clearing and see a bunch of cats fighting they had different sencte there was a dark smell which belonged to shadowclan then the smell of salt water which belonged to riverclan then there were cats of speed which were windclan then cats that could strike in fast motion which was thunderclan then there was the smell of the dark blood smell which was the cats of the dark forest then cats with pelts of stars which were starclan cats as the fight got going cats from all clans died then dawn looks over at a ginger she-cat who was hissing and yowling she heard her say "FIRESTAR NO!!!" she ran to her mates side crying she says "please starclan don't take him from me " as firestar past he speaks to sandstorm and says "sandstorm I've always loved you our kits are as beautiful as you they have your strength and engery. They well always be with you as am i i live with in our kits and in you" he gives her ear one last lick before walking in to the stars. As he left sandstorm's side she yowled for him and says "firestar come back Please come back" she cries as she burried her nose in his pelt spottedleaf walks up to sandstorm as she saw scourge hissing getting ready for the kill she throws her self in front of scourge and sandstorm to protect her as scourge growls he says "get out of my way you mouse brain or I'll kill you" spottedleaf says "you killed firestar now leave sandstorm alone she did nothing " they all hear a ferocious growl and they turn around and see tigerstar. he laughs then says "give it up spottedleaf because this is my fight " he leaps up to attack sandstorm but a black cat pushed him back and says "no tigerstar you chased me away from my clan i was wrong to run off like a coward now it's on you will never lay a paw on sandstorm as long as i live " the cat had tigerstar pined down as he looked bravely in his eyes. Tigerstar opened his eyes and gasps "r ravenpaw b but you're d dead" ravenpaw smiled and says "that's what you thought now back off you mouse brain" ravenpaw scratches a deep wound in tigerstar's pelt then gets up and says "if you ever lay a paw on sandstorm I'll kill you now out of thunderclan territory and stay out " as tigerstar gets up he sees his kits then says "m mothwing brambelclaw and twanypelt m my kits " brambleclaw walks up and says " your no father of mine you killed our mother you killed bluestar and y you killed s stonefur so get out of thunderclan now!!" tigerstar looks at twanypelt and says "my sweet sweet she-kit comeback to me" twanypelt looked at him and says "no father i won't what you did was wrong you hurt kits you hurt elders and you tried to kill your leader that went way beyond the warrior code " tigerstar looks at his last she kit mothwing he says "p please comeback to me i need you" mothwing walks up to him and says "father i love you so much but you lost us when you killed there mother and left mine I'll comeback only if you change your ways and stop killing cats" as. Tigerstar looks at them then a blue light shines on one cat covered in blue stars she says "this fight has to end for now you all are wounded and you need to heal for another day " as the star gazed cat walked off the fighting ends and sandstorm looks at the other cats then limps back to firestars limp body and cries as brambelclaw walks to her "is everything alright?" the bracken colored tom asked sandstorm looks up at him then says "h he's gone a and he's never coming back" brambelclaw looks at her with soft eyes then says "he's not gone though he's in your heart and with starclan he well always be with you " sandstorm looked at him trying not to be rude she says "he is gone you mouse brain!!!! Your father killed him and you didn't do anything to help him!!!!"

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