Chapter Six

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In my dark silence, I heard muffled speaking. It was in the man's throaty voice, and a cold voice on a phone.
"I've got her,"My attacker spoke.
"Did you get the other one?" A cold voice sent chills down my back.
"No, I can't find her,"The rough voice was hesitant to respond.
"You idiot! You made it so damn harder for us! Ugh,"The voice screeched, and my whole body went frozen,"Fine. Do what you want with her until we get to you, just keep her alive, will you?"
"Yes, boss Jane!" Trembled the man. I heard three beeps and the room went silent.
"Dammit,"The man muttered under his breath. I was still unconscious when this was happening, but I was able to hear everything around me.
I heard Jake's signature text message.
"Is it that dang girl's phone?!"grumbled the man. I heard the ruffle of the bag as he grabbed the phone from my bag.
"Hey,Alex, I'm done here. You okay?"He mumbled under his breath. He grunted and threw the phone across the room, and it landed next to me with a deafening clanging. Jake. Jake was texting me. I had to warn him, I had to tell him. I desperately tried to open my eyes, but it didn't work. Finally, with a burst of energy, I was able to open my eyes and get to my knees. The man was facing the opposite direction as me, so I was safe for now. All my bones ached, and every time I breathed, pain flashed at my ribs. I stood up quickly and silently, and silently struck across the room in a frenzy. I ran to the door, but he had turned around then. Panic flared through my body as his old brown eyes hungrily stared at me from across the room.
"My baby's up, isn't she,"he smiled and my stomach turned.
I shook my head, and franticly jingled around with the doorknob, but it was no use. He walked closer and closer, so I kicked him. I swiped my foot across the floor and knocked his feet from under him.
"You want to play that game, do you?"he said, and, surprisingly, swiftly got to his feet. He smacked me with a ton of force, but it still didn't knock me down. I may have been weak, but I wasn't going to give up. He grabbed a knife from the counter, and plunged it in my calf before I could realize what was happening. I collapsed back down. You're such a wimp, I thought. He kicked me in the ribs again, and I was worried the ribs would puncture my lungs and.... Once again, blackness surrounded me.


    Alex wasn't answering anything. I called her like 10 times and texted her 50 times more than that. She wasn't answering. Once Alex realized I was getting worried due to her unresponsive attitude, she would answer me. Something must be seriously wrong. Panic seized me, and the world started spinning. Thank god the new update for phones had an app called "Find IPhone", where you could find where your contacts where. I hoped that she had her phone somewhere close to her, I really did. I didn't want her hurt, at all. There shouldn't be a hair messed up on her head. The loading sign seemed like it was loading my life along with it. And then the screen popped up. The phone was in some weird hut a couple miles behind the Macy's store. I didn't take my eyes off the screen, and I ran to the Macy's with fear curling at my stomach. I sprinted with all my might, while all sorts of emotions curled and churned in my stomach and it made me feel like I was going to vomit. It just all made my head hurt, and my world swirl. It swirled in circles and circles and circles until... Until I felt like I was running on four legs and I felt small pieces of fabric all over the place. I looked in my reflection in a nearby puddle. Yup. Just what my craziest and wildest suspicions are.

Staring at me, in the puddle's reflection was a huge, rusted red scary wolf, but it's eyes looked distinctively like mine. I yipped, even though I saw the hut right down the block, and ran as far away as I could.

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