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So ummm... In my last update about me hating life i was so rude... Here's the second one.

I was researching my assignments that needs to be printed... It was this 7:46pm... My mom spotted me doing it. She ask me why didn't i do it early since i go home 12:00pm

I said the truth which is i go with my classmates for our dance practice this coming Saturday.

She was so angry and ask me what's more important dance or assignments. I answered assignments... She almost yelled at me.

And here's the worst thing. Our printer was broken. I don't see that coming though.

She scolded at me again and again. I just went to my bedroom and cry hoping Jeff the killer will come and kill me so i can end this life (jk not gonna happen).

It's just unfair. When my bro is in this situation, they will let him go to his classmates to print his assignment withoyt getting scold! It's so unfair... Jeff come here and kill me (jk this will NEVER gonna happen)

My Thoughts :3Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora