Sunday struggles

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Sunday is the day of the week that might be worse than Monday.

Sunday is the day you decide it's time to sleep early after staying up at 2 A.M. so you lay in your bed tired or not and you try to fall asleep,you toss and turn and random thoughts keep you awake,you finally manage to sleep. Then you wake up thinking it's time to go to school when really it's like 2 A.M. after that you can't seem to sleep.

Sunday is the day where you wake up thinking you have all the time in the world,you go out thinking this and come back melancholic because as the day progresses and the sun slowly sinks the reality hits you,Monday is coming.

Sunday is the day when procrastinators that thought they would have enough time start panicking about homework and grades.

That's all for now I hope you found something that makes you yell            "sameeeeee"

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