Chapter 2

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This woman acted like my mother always telling me what to do how to do it.

She arrived and told me to put my hair back then to keep it out of my face And again she began "How have you been?" She said.

"I'm still here.."

"Why do you say it like that?" "Because I don't want to be here!" I shouted.

She looked scared as I stood up but she kept a strong face.

"Why are you still here?" I asked "Because I want to help you."

"Who even sent you?" I said in a stern voice.

"Instead of telling you why don't I show you?" She said sweetly then I felt my heart drop in to my stomach as I saw who it was.. My mom.

"Snow I'm so-" I stopped her mid-sentence and told her to leave in a cold low voice as I turned to the corner of the room.

I stayed there till I heard the door close and my mothers crying faded.

I turned around Patrice was still there. Good. When I turned around I lost it and nearly screaming at Partice I said. "Why did you bring her!?"

"Because she wants to help she's so sad that."

"Oh shut up dont buy that!"

"If that bitch wanted to help me then why am I here!?" My voice was really high, I was so angry I just started to cry I told her to go and not come back I'd rather die in here then be with her.


Oh hello sorry to all of my readers (if you guys are reading -_-) sorry I haven't uploaded wattpad wouldn't let me then I got writers block trying to find a good ending vote comment like do something that lets me know your reading please ;-; okay byes!!!!! Cx

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