Chapter 1: We who come from Mars.

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Hello. This is the first fanfiction that I post here hehe. I have written this fanfiction since 2 years ago ... maybe? I don't even think if it had been as long as it -_- This is one fanfiction that I love, therefore I repost hahaha.

Why the title same with BTS's song title: Boy In Luv? Because, this fanfiction is inspired from that song. Many story that I took from the lyrics of that song.

Sorry if a lot of words that you may not understand because I was not proficient in the English language T.T hope you like it.


Boy In Luv - Chapter 1: We who come from the Mars.

-Author P.O.V-

That girl was walking with white shoes.

She let her brown hair decompose up to her chest.

She covered her uniform with a thin dark blue sweater with a pattern of tiny stars.

Her skirt didn't cover her knees, about 8 cm above the knee.

She walked with a step that is not so fast and not too slow, too. Lots of people noticed. But she seemed not to care.

Park Chorong, is her name.

When she climbed the stairs, the boys waiting for her under the stairs and see her long legs that started stepping one by one rung to be able to go to the second floor. They were soon smiling at that girl. Then, Park Chorong immediately turned around quickly and noticed the boys were seen from under the stairs.

"You want to die, huh?" Asked Park Chorong with a seductive tone. The boys immediately ran away, even trying to mutually ahead. The girl twist her eyes soon. Park Chorong was notorious. Her tone was teasing it seemed to show that she would kill anyone who was watching her.

"Do not they have anything else to do?" She asked quietly and then began walking again.

1 step, and she immediately turned back down the stairs.

All she saw was the shadow of a girl's body that were running under the stairs. Park Chorong start to walk again, but she quickly turned around again. She already did that for three times. As she looked ahead and intends to climb the stairs again, her view suddenly covered with a white shirt with a black tie in the middle. Quickly, Park Chorong saw a boy who was carrying his school jacket.

"You want to go up the stairs or not?" He asked flatly. Park Chorong take a long breath and looked back down the stairs. Somehow, she felt there was another person who had just watched. But after this boy appears, that feeling suddenly disappear.

Perhaps, Park Chorong over thinking until finally the boy walked through Park Chorong with crashed his shoulder with Chorong's shoulder.

"Yaak! I'm a woman! You're not polite. Do you think my shoulder is hard as men?" Shouted Park Chorong to the boy who passed earlier. But, the boy did not turn at all. In fact, when Park Chorong shout to him, he immediately put on the headphones from his neck.

"He's always been weird all the time." Said Park Chorong again. You know who he was? Of course, he's Suga.

Suga and Chorong. Two human who have the same nickname. It is: 'The Human From the Planet Mars' Why? Because they are different from other friends. Even it is seen from their appearance style. They always do whatever they want regardless of school rules. That's why they get the same nickname because it has the same properties as well.


Chorong enthusiastically went to the canteen together with Bomi, her friend. They do chatting along the way to the cafeteria because during the school holidays, they rarely meet. This time, Chorong who was too hungry, she accelerate her step towards the cafeteria, while Bomi left behind.

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