Chapter 10

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Kurt woke up with the sound of his phone ringing, he answered it


"Kurt where the hell are you it 1:00!??!" Finn yelled,Kurt looked at his phone it was 1

"OMG sorry Finn we'll be there in a while"

"Its ok guys Kurts alive" Finn says

"Who else Is with you Finn??"

"Everyone" Kurt hears many people say 'Hello' 'hey'
"give me my phone Santana!!" Finn yells

"Hey hummel...did you get some??" Santana asked

"No gosh Santana" he hangs up.

He looks at Blaine curled up in a ball his head on his chest

"Its a shame I have to wake him up, Blaine?Blaine!?"

"Mhhmmm it's to early" Blaine says "I don't wanna go to school" Blaine whispers

"Come we need to go home"

"Your soooooooo warm, Kurt" Blaine hugs Kurt tighter

"I know I'm warm too but it's late"

"Mmmm....ok " Blaine gets up and grabs everything

"Blaine you want me to drive?"
"Mmmm...yea please?" Blaine and me get in the car and Blaine is half asleep the whole ride home

"So you wanna go home or come with me??"

"Can I go with y-you" Blaine yawns

"Ok" we get to my house and find Finn and the rest of my friends asleep everywhere

"Come on lets go upstairs" I whisper to Blaine and he nodded. We get to my room and I lay down and Blaine following

"Mmmm....Kurt can I hug you" Blaine says getting closer to me
"Sure sweetie" Blaine puts his arms around my stomach and he puts his head on my neck
"Goodnight Blaine"

"Mmmm...'night Kurt" a few minutes blaines fast asleep

Now how do I break the news to my friends that I have another boyfriend?? The question stayed in my head all night even in my sleep and many more questions
How would they react? Will they approve??


shit well blaines dead he's gonna get shot by my dad!

Does he even got a shotgun?
No right I think he doesn't?

Well this was just something fluff

And I dont really know but does Burt really got a shotgun??

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