Chapter 1

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Jake's POV:
I was sleeping soundlessly in bed was I heard the front door creak open. I heard somethings moving and being moved around. I suddenly sat up in my bed realizing it was someone stealing my stuff. I threw my covers off of me and jumped out of bed. I quickly stretched and then put on my robe and tied it closed. Then I opened my closet and grabbed out my bat.

I couldn't believe this was happening. "This is all a dream. This is all a dream" I said to myself and opened my door quietly and walked down the hall quietly. I quickly and quietly came down the stairs, "Man, there ain't anything good but we could still take the stuff we got and go before we get caught.". After he was finished I yelled out "WHO ARE YOU! WHAT DO YOU WANT!". Then someone behind me in the kitchen turned on the light and all the sudden I was standing in front of three people in ski masks.

OMG. I couldn't believe it. Then all of the sudden I was grabbed. I was trying to get away from the person. All I saw was ring leader of the band of criminals rushing up to me and pushing a cloth to my face and everything turned black. The next thing I knew was my mom shaking me awake asking me what happened. I told her "Some guys just stole all of our valuables and ran off after knocking me out". So we went the about the rest of our day in panic, wondering if they would come back and finish the job.

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