Dead Silence

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It speaks when words can't
I could not help but rant
It can be eerie
It can be ear splitting
But what is worse
Silence when words are needed the most
It can be something that destroys
Or restores your mind
For me silence is deadly
This makes my world spin
And stop to make me think
My thoughts are horrible
Nothing I would force on anyone
The idea my thoughts destroy me
Thinking all the time
Why do they like me?
Do I deserve happiness?
Should I be happy when I have sinned greatly?
Should I be joyous when those are dying for me?
Why live in a world so horrible?
I live because I want to change things
Make people think about what they say/do
Never belittle someone for fun
The silence for the worlds hateful words and actions
Should women and men hate each other?
Why silence yourself?
I have to much to say for that
Silence the words
Silence violence
Silence the hatred and fake love
And replace with
Real Love
Kind words or actions

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