Update ❤️

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Hey guys I'm back : I know I look rough

This is my profile pic ✌🏻️
I got my hair done so yay!
I have bruises like everywhere! On my neck, around my eyes and on my legs 😳
I have a swollen lip so yay!
Btw I just got out of hospital so... That's where I've been!
I'll update with the art ASAP!
I've went through bullying, abuse, illnesses, depression, I tried to commit suicide, I'm an ugly lesbian, I have been through hell and back but I am here to talk to anyone who is going through anything as I will guide you!
I love you all so much and I thank you all for being so supportive and I especially thank my amazing, supportive and kind girlfriend the_creative_dragon
I love her to the moon and back and I wouldn't be alive today without her xx

My Art+RantsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz