Sam X Reader

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When You Almost Got Killed
Part 2 of the previous chapter

"You know the thing is, if I didn't need you I would've killed you in a lot of ways a devil can but since, I'm lucifer," and sasses me with the following sentence, "Himself."

He had transformed in his true form of this formidable creature. His silhouette had consumed the ground, as my view was like looking at the great mountains, but only I am facing the painful avalanche.

Instead of, attacking the devil. I didn't have any weapons upon me. I did what a helpless human being would do. Run.
The place was a desert, with a continous long road. Since, it was open wide to run free from what's chasing me.

He was enjoying chasing me. His steps were getting bigger, him catching up. I couldn't do anything. My heart wasn't in the normal rate as it was. It feels like I'm having a stroke.

"Y/N!" A voice had come around, the image of me being chased by satan was wiggling.

"Y/N!" I opened my eye wide. I shouted.


"Nope, still me." Lucifer's hands were at his back.

He sighed.

"Talk about having a girlfriend who's dumb, gee. What a pity." I find that tremendously offensive.


"Ask yourself, why do I need you?" He knows that I know.

"To get to Sam. Now, in order to get little Sammy's attention, I have to get to you."

"Take mine, not his!" With his psyhic power, he appeared Sam beside him. Sam shocked and feeling scared of what Lucifer might do to his girlfriend.

"What are you doing, y/n!?"

"No, I can do it. I don't want you to feel like you're in hell with him every single day, and just to look at you and do nothing but rather feel vulnerable."

I was ready but I'm hearing a name.


"DAMMIT Y/N! Don't die!" These vivid scenes that I'm seeing is crashing through the real reality.

As I inhaled and woke up in shock. I felt like I wasn't breathing. It was all in my dream. What a creepy dream.

Sam hugged me and was relieved.
"Don't ever scare me like that!"

"I dreamt of Lucifer and you were there. It felt so vivid."


I'll be doing the request after the part 3 of this.

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