Chapter Thirty One

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*Hadley's POV*

As I kept driving, my eyes felt heavy and the steering wheel seemed to slip constantly out of my fingertips. I tried to shake myself awake, but it wasn't working. I didn't want to pull over, because I didn't want Ashton to get upset, and I didn't want to wake him because he was sleeping, and he needed the rest. I tried so hard to keep myself awake, but I guess I didn't see the headlights quickly accelerating towards us. Before I knew it, the car had pounded into us.

That was the last of me, Michael, Calum, Luke, and Ashton.

*Harry's POV*

I was still in the hospital bed, flipping through channels, when I came across a news channel.

"And in other news, a fatal car crash killed five teens last night. We have been told we are allowed to release the names, and we'd like your prayers as we mourn the loss of teens Hadley Mason, Michael Clifford, Luke Hemmings, Calum Hood, and Ashton Irwin. Our thoughts and prayers are with them and their families." My jaw hung open.

It couldn't be true.

I could feel my heart racing and the heart monitor speeding up. Before I knew it, I had four nurses restraining me against the bed.

"NO!" I shrieked, tugging at my hair while kicking at the nurses.

"IT CAN'T BE TRUE!" The nurses were confused, I could tell by their eyes, but I didn't want to repeat the words that had been burned into my head.

They were dead.

She was dead.

I screamed as Doctors and more nurses piled into the room, asking me hundreds of questions.

"Harry what is wrong?" One Doctor asked.

"THEY'RE DEAD! SHE'S DEAD! THEY'RE GONE!" The Doctor's mumbled to one another.

"Who is, Harry?" They pried.

"HADLEY AND LUKE AND ASHTON AND CALUM AND MICHAEL AND... AND... I DIDN'T MEAN TO... I WASN'T ACTUALLY... NO..." The reality of their death started to settle in. They were no longer living, breathing bodies. They were decaying pieces of flesh somewhere infested with bugs and fungi. More tears escaped my eyes as the nurses finally laid back on restraining me against the bed.

"Harry, it'll be okay, I promise." One of the nurses soothed.


"What was?"


"Harry it was an accident. They said it was a drunk driver." I screamed even louder. How could this be.

I was never going to get over this.

*Flash Forward Ten Years*

Looking back on the days of my stupid youth, I realized just how much I was messed up. After that year of grieving, I managed to get my life back on track. I quit One Direction, I met a wonderful girl, proposed, and now we have two children together. I of course missed Hadley, but eventually I stopped being mad at myself.

When I was younger, I thought of myself as a broken vase, a shattered one, if you will. Where all it's parts were missing and there was no use in putting it back together.

But over time, the pieces slowly put themselves back together, filling in gaps with new and improved pieces.

And I guess that's what lesson I took from Hadley's death.

Anything broken, can always be fixed.




this story is now over

thank god

so now like a year later I read this and cringed and decided it was time to end it


im so sorry

well I hope you enjoyed (?) this

if not I wont be too offended because this sucked


bye for now and thanks if you read this whole thing

you deserve an award

bye my sparkle cupcakes ;)


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