Happy Christmas, Niall

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 "I'm so glad you were able to meet me for coffee, Becca. It feels like ages since we've hung out."

"I know, this photography internship has kept me crazy busy. I'm really loving it though. Sorry I've been a terrible friend."

"No, don't worry about it. So, are you still working with One Direction's photographer?"

"Yes, Cal."

"Those guys are really hot. Which one do you think is the hottest?"

"I am supposed to be professional."

"Come on, which one?"

I laugh. "Alright...Niall."

"Nice choice. You two would make a cute couple."

My phone rings, saving me from a reply. "Hello, Oh hi. Sure, I can do that. You're welcome. See you tomorrow."

"What was that all about?"

"Tomorrow, the guys are shooting a video and doing a photoshoot up at a cabin in Big Bear. Cal was asking if I could get there early to set everything up."

"Sounds like fun."

When my alarm goes off the next morning, I reluctantly get up. I hate to be up this early, however I am looking forward to helping out on a music video for the first time.

As I get closer to the resort, it's snowing. There's already a good amount on the roads. That's strange, the weather report didn't mention snow.

The first thing I see when I enter the main lodge at the resort, is Niall. "What are you doing here so early, Niall?"

"I think my driver had the times wrong. He dropped me off here twenty minutes ago."

I laugh a little. "Niall, you don't have to be here for hours."

"So what you're telling me is I could still be sleeping."

"Yep. Can I get you anything?"

"Nah. I'll just hang out with you, if that's alright?"

"Of course." His eyes are so blue. Why do I forget my name every time I look into them?

I hand all the paperwork to the woman at the front desk.

"Oh honey, didn't anyone notify you all?"

"About what?"

"The storm. There's no way you can do any filming here today."

"We are filming mostly indoors though."

"Well you'd still all end up trapped here."

"Trapped?" Niall asks.

"We are expecting a huge snow storm. No one will be able to get in or out of here for at least a week."

I try to call Cal on my cell, but there's no service. "Do you have service, Niall?"

"No. Maybe they have a landline?"

I use the resort's landline to let Cal know of the situation. He'll take care of letting everyone else know not to come up. "Alright, I'll give Niall a ride back down to the city."

The front desk clerk chimes in. "Sorry to eavesdrop, but you two won't be going anywhere."

Why do I feel like I'm in one of those freaky horror films my mom likes so much? I'm waiting for the guy with the chainsaw to appear.

"Excuse me?" I ask.

"The roads are closed. You two are stuck here."

I look at Niall, then fill Cal in. He asks to talk to the resort's manager.

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