Name Generator 4

361 24 90

Do you have a mary-sue OC? (Mary-sue means a character that is perfect in all ways)

Yes.. ~ Pine

I don't know ~ Ferret

Maybe ~ Briar

No ~ Whisper

Other ~ Dapple

Which of these describes you?

Yandere (Someone who would do anything and kill for love) ~ Blood

Tsundere (Someone who tends to act cool and calm and harsh, but has a soft side) ~ Tuft

Kuudere (Someone who is cool, calm and collected but shows no emotions whatsoever) ~ Mask

Deredere (Someone who is entirely sweet and energetic and show this personality to everyone) ~ Thorn

Kamidere (A god) ~ Frost

Himedere (A "tsundere" or a "kuudere" but too princess-like to fit into either category) ~ Stream

Dandere (Doesn't speak at all mostly, but when there's no one but you two, she/he will be sweet to you. Which means that'll she'll be in "deredere" mode) ~ Pounce

Coodere (Someone usually cold to you but sometimes become rather sweet or nice) ~ Leaf

Undere (Someone who agrees with whatever you say) ~ Flight

I got.. Ferretblood, Ferrettuft and Ferretmask!

Comment what name you got in the comment section!

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