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Chapter 4 - Violet

Laura walked out of the school building, wanting to go home as soon as possible. This week could have been the best week in school in years, yet Jason had managed to ruin it again. He always found a way. She knew it wouldn't last long, but that sliver of hope had only grown over the past week. And here she was, walking out of the school building with a sore ankle and a bruised wrist, in addition to the many bruises that were probably starting to form. She was careful in walking down the front steps, looking at her feet to make sure she didn't trip. He'd really gotten her this time. She sighed and made her way further down the path leading towards the bicycle parking. How was she ever going to get home with her foot hurting like this?

She looked up into the sun that was already on its way to the horizon. In front of her stood the beautiful tree she had always loved. It was different than any other tree around because it had purple-ish leaves, even in the summer. Since her departure to Paris, the tree had blossomed further and was now proudly presenting its leaves to all the students.

There was only one difference compared to all the other times she saw it. Someone was sitting at the foot of the tree, reading. Of course it wasn't that unusual for people to be reading or hanging out on the courtyard and in front of the school, but the last period of the day wasn't over yet. The bell hadn't rang yet. People skipping class usually didn't stick around the school building, unless you wanted to get caught. She was slowly nearing the tree and she frowned at the sight. She'd seen that book before, and those boots.

"If you stare any longer, your eyes are going to pop out, Petite." The familiar voice spoke and a wide smile crept onto Laura's face as realization hit her. The beautiful young woman lowered her book and gave her a small smile. Laura was dumbstruck as she stared at her. For a moment, all she could bring herself to do was make inaudible sounds while her mouth hung slightly agape.
"Hey!" She finally managed to get out as the woman put her book in her bag and got herself upright.
"Hey," She spoke, with her voice as beautiful as ever. It sounded quite happy actually.
It felt as though the beautiful, near black eyes were staring straight into her soul. She felt drawn to her and took a step forward only to be pulled back to the reality of her situation as a sharp pain shot through her ankle. She winced as her knee buckled. Strong arms were supporting her in an instant, holding her up by her elbows. She was helped upright but she kept her hands grasped around the woman's arms. She looked up to see a concerned look flashing across the pale features in front of her and casted her gaze towards the ground.
"Are you okay?" The husky voice asked and she felt the hands loosen on her elbows. She didn't want to let go of her but she still did, missing the comforting touch already. Laura could only nod in response, she didn't trust her voice not to betray her true emotions.

She managed to pull herself together and gestured for the woman to walk along with her. The woman offered her arm for Laura to lean on and she gladly took it, if only to be closer to her.
"I wasn't sure I would actually see you again," Laura voiced her thoughts. There was a certain sadness in her voice that surprised her.
"Truth be told, I wasn't so sure either." She felt the woman's gaze travel over her as she slowly walked along the small path, leaving the tree with purple leaves behind them.
Laura was about to speak again when the woman cut her off.
"I see you've been taking care of my necklace." There was the playful woman she'd first met again.
"Hey!" Laura scoffed, "Technically it's mine now." She glanced at her from the corner of her eyes and saw her raise an eyebrow.
She was sure the brunette was about to respond when the bell rang from behind them, signaling the end of yet another school day. Soon, students would be filing out of the building.

"Shit, they can't see you here." Laura panicked and grabbed the brunette's hand to drag her along. It could have worked if she wasn't limping.
"What did he do to your leg, Petite?" The brunette put a hand on her arm and stopped Laura in her tracks. She knew the question was coming but she had hoped they could have talked somewhere private instead of on the busiest path after school. Everyone took this way to go to their bicycles and she did not want to run into-

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