Tagged byyyyy someone im not sure who

36 1 9

There's also something at the bottom of this

Do I like someone:Uh yeah

Do they like me back:Hopefully or else our relationship would be weird 😄

Middle name:I don't have one

Single or taken:Taken ( C_Jeyers 💕)

Last song I listened to?:It was either Better Off Dead by Sleeping With Sirens or Lane Boy by Twenty Øne Piløts

Battery %:97%

Girl best friend:My friend Danielle

Guy best friend:Alex,my brother

OTP:Destiel 💕💕💕💕

Why I made my acc:Uhhhhh idek


Birthday:Well im not gonna say exactly but 12/5-9/95-99 I just turned 17 around last week

So I'm at home with my brother and sister now be well....Bomb threats...which blows.Great way to inspire fear I guess....Sarcasm...*sigh*My sister is asleep rn though.and Alex is in his room doing who knows what...I decided to tell you guys more about my personal life be even tho I tell you most important stuff I kinda want you guys to understand???? Me more.idrc about this but I wasn't especially happy about not going to school...usually at least at school I have things to do so I'm busy and don't have to think about life and stuff,but like now I'm just here doing nothing and I'm getting rlly anxious be I'm not doing anything and I'm just pacing the room and Alex keeps checking on me and yeah...once again.this sucks.....at least I can watch old Supernatural reruns on TV ....bye guys ❤️

Ask and dare the big five,Hiro,Tadashi,and others!2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang