Uncontionally Yours ( One Shot

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Uncoditionally Yours

Maybe it was the way we left it off; with the awkwardness and stiff actions in front of lenses and cameras now all I have to thrive on my mind starts to panic late at night when I try to recall how your smile would appear on your face just for me. How you'd be the first to tangle our fingers and make my heart flutter with the sparkle in your eyes. You were my world, the movement that pushes the valves of my heart, my first drop of water after years of heat, the only thing I want to be tied to for the rest of my life.

"Girls that was a brilliant performance" the interview said with a fake smile as we sat in fake eyelashes and nails with fake happiness as our fake personas came out.

"Thank you" we all chime, just how they taught us to.

"Now we have a few questions from fans.." He trails off but my eyes get lost in the crowd, and I wonder do any of them feel as alone as I do as they swim in the sea of people. As lights flashed from our stage and music played and I went through the motions of every dance step all I could resemble how I was feeling was to being under water; as everyone floated I drowned deeper and deeper. My eyes found her, with her little pink skirt and brown hair falling down her small frame as people begged for her attention; I was just another one of those hopeless humans clawing for her affection.

"...and finally, who are your celebrity crushes?" He asks us.

mines Lauren

The dull ache I tried to rid myself of this morning is back in my hollow chest as I remember the way she looked at me when she said those two words. I was hers, and she was mine in every sense. I can't tear my eyes away from her as her nose scrunches up as names that aren't mine fly out of her mouth. Boys who couldn't understand how great a love she deserves, how she liked to be hugged when her tears started to fall, how you were supposed to swap her your green skittles for your reds even if you didn't like them and how the smile she gave in return made you forget you were even eating skittles at all. How she liked baths over shows and she was a timid person by nature; she'll crawl into her mind but sit beside her and hold her hand and she'll always come back to you. They won't gave her the patience I offer in mountains, they would shout and yell when frustrated when I would kiss away her pain. They won't know how to love her and the only think I'm sure of is that Im the only one who should.

"Great job girls, just give your mics back to the sound guy and you can go back to the bus" our manager says. The bus; where I'm too close for comfort to the girl I adore. She hates she small space causing her to make unwanted contact with me. But it used to be different.

The hatius after the X Factor as we traveled back to Miami to see our families were the best days of my life. We were inseparable, dosing each other with Stockholm Syndrome as we took turns spending infinite hours together in each others rooms, never wanting to burst out of the bubble we shared as we ravelled ourselves together with secrets and stories whispered for no one else's ears. We stayed up until 5am trading thoughts she was scared to tell anyone else and vica versa. How explained that she was so lonely before we met, how she'd lie in the bed we both lay in as her trembling lips painted a picture of her isolation because she wasn't popular, she wasn't confident and infatuating. I turned on my side and watched her side profile, the moon light hitting her skin angelically as she told stories of coming home to cry her heart out and all I could think of was that she was infatuating; she had me completely and conditionally enticed and I couldn't shake it. And in that moment as she turned over to stare back at me and the sun cracked through her window and our hands knitted together, I knew I was in love with her.

The love I felt was hard to shake at first. I tried to pushed it down but I found myself smiling as I sang, getting lost in her movements as she spun around the kitchen and giggling softly as I drifted off to sleep with her playing on a loop in my mind. Days turned to weeks and the feelings grew stronger, to a point I couldn't even comprehend that emotions could be that strong. It felt like fireworks went off in my chest when she said my name and my smile was permanent even on 4am flights as long as she was by my side. I quickly forgot about others who looked for my eye contact and yelled my name, all I saw was her.

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