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It all started on a mid-summer afternoon, the heat was too much for most of the students at a school called Beverley High, they retreated in the classrooms were they would gossip about the latest drama or some would perch themselves  under the nearest air condition but the occasional girls, who wanted to get a tan stayed outside on the grass, two unluky students did just that their names were Vicky, Alex and Jasmine. They foolishly stayed out on the doomed day, basking themseves in the golden sunlight. One of them noticed some figures in the horiszon, they didn't bother to get up though, probably more of their friends, right? So the figures in the distant continued to get closer and closer to them, but, it was painfully slow. Vicky got up her golder locks swishing by herside

"Hey girlfriend!" She opened her arms as if to embrace a hug. 

The thing infront of her merely didn't want a hug as such. The thing, yes I shall give it a name. A zombie. The zombie with it's flesh peling off simply without a scream from Vicky, just a mortified look ripped her throat, blood splattering on the nearby friends. The nearby friends who I mentioned, Alex and Jasmine got up and turned around slowly, the didn't have time to scream either, as the zombie carelessly ripped their hearts out of their bodies and slowly ate it. 

Hell has been raised in Beverley.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2013 ⏰

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