Untitled Part 1

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"Okay class today we will have another transfer student joining us, however this time he will have no mutations, no will they be a computer programmed to kill me, with that said please treat them the same as everyone else in the class" the yellow octopus creature announced to his class of young assassins as the classroom door slid open and a slender boy walked into the class, he looked at everyone as he stood at the front of the classroom. He had long lavender hair going down to the centre of his back tied back into a ponytail, and a girlish face, he had a bright blue eyes and a petite body similar to that of a young girl, in fact he looked exactly like a girl except the lack of breasts.]

"Urm sir I thought you said the transfer student was a 'he'? Why is this girl here?" one of the students inquired as everyone stared at the new member of their assassination classroom

The new student bowed to the class as he said in a girly voice "Hello everyone, my name is William, I'm pleased to meet you all and I hope we get along, it is as Korosensei said, I am a guy hehe so don't be fooled by my looks okay?" he stood up and did a pose similar to that of an idol. The entire class continued to look at him dumbfounded.

"Excellent now that is out of the way you should take your seat, now we don't have any spare at the moment so you are going to have to share with someone, is anyone willing to share with our new friend here?" Korosensei asked the class.

"Nagisa, how about you?" the octopus asked as a light blue haired boy stood up.

"M-me sir? Why me?" the small boy asked.

"Well I trust that you will help him with anything he may need help with and you are a good friend to everyone here so I'm sure you will make him feel welcome."

"Y-Yes sir" Nagisa sat back down and tried to make some room for the new student at his desk as he made his way next to Nagisa.

"So you're Nagisa? Nice to meet you hehe, let's be friends okay?" the new student giggled as he sat next to Nagisa. The octopus started the lesson soon after William had sat down, he decided to teach the class chemistry, writing equations on the board and asking the class to balance them in their text books, William was keeping up with the octopus even though the rest of the class except Okuda who were still way behind, after finishing William looked at Nagisa to see him struggling.

"Hey Nagisa do you want some help?" William asked Nagisa looking at the answers he had already written.

"Oh no thanks, you have your own work to....do..." Nagisa looked up from William's notes in disbelief as he had seen William had already finished. "H-How have you finished so quickly?!" Nagisa couldn't believe it, the only person that had ever kept up with Korosensei was Okuda and even she wasn't finished yet.

"Chemistry is a specialty of mine, as well as physics, biology, maths, modern languages well French and Spanish, home ec, and my English and Japanese grades aren't too bad either, but I especially love science and I hate PE but that's got to change since we are assassins huh?" William explained nonchalantly as he looked at Nagisa's notes thinking how best to explain how to balance the equations.

"I-if your grades are that good in so many subjects then what are you doing in Class E? surely you should be in the main building!" Nagisa raised his voice slightly getting the attention of a few students around them.

"let's just say I don't exactly agree with how things are done here, I mean they are hardly legal, the headmaster is promoting bullying and the forms of bullying I've seen are actually illegal, such as repeated harassment or intimidation, name calling and treats, also I don't know if it's the same here in Japan but in England where I grew up schools had to have an anti-discrimination policy by law, something this school seems to lack, so when I transferred and learnt of this the headmaster shipped me off here." William, told Nagisa and noticed a lot of stares from around the classroom, most of the class had stopped working and heard what he said, even Korosensei stopped and looked at him, William looked around and stopped at Korosensei "Am I to assume you didn't know Korosensei? Surely if you had you would have said something to the headmaster."

"W-Well o-of course I knew I just didn't want to cause trouble and risk getting fired, after all I'm here to teach this class and I can't risk getting fired" he turned purple and stuttered as he lied.

One of the students at the back of the classroom stood up and yelled at Korosensei "You octopus bastard! Stop lying, if you knew you would have stepped in, you've been making a mess of his 'educational ideology' since you got here, that's more likely to have gotten you fired than that!"

Another student looked at the student who had yelled at Korosensei "My, my Terasaka they're were some big words in that sentence, and you used them correctly, are you feeling okay?"

"Shut up Karma or do I have to make you?!" The Terasaka snapped "And you" he looked at William "How exactly do you know all this, not something a regular student would know, just who the hell are you?!"

William walked over to Terasaka and looked up at him "it's as Korosensei said, I'm a regular student just like you, well not just like you I'm more brains than brawn, you may be physically stronger than me, but there are some things you cannot win with physical strength alone, take assassination for example you may be stronger than your target but sometimes you just need to outsmart them" William whipped out his knife designed for killing Korosensei and pressed it to Terasaka's throat "Like so, you're stronger than me but yet I just assassinated you, lucky for you these are harmless to people, killing korosensei isn't something you can do...Terasaka is it? You should just give up" He looked into Terasaka's eyes and grinned as Terasaka stood there frozen "The way to kill Korosensei is to outsmart him, after all you cannot outrun him and he is a lot stronger than you" William removed the knife and started to walk back to his desk, but stopped after a few steps "I forgot to enlighten you as to how I knew all of this, I may be the same as you but I studied law at college as well as biology, sociology and psychology. I know many things, how to 'get away' with murder, all the vital parts of a human body, the human psyche, how they think and act in many situations and how people interact with one another, I don't know about you, but I think these will be very helpful against Korosensei" William walked back to his seat without a word, the entire class watching him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2015 ⏰

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