It Is Well With My Soul

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These eyes of mine have seen too much when will they rest?
I don't see poetry receiving this mind of mine so however it comes it shall be.
So when you looked into my eyes what did you see?
Weeks I saw what was hidden and nothing I said. These feelings could murder one in cold blood, they all see it. I see it too but the only difference between me and them is that I feel it. In my mind such terrible thoughts occur taking me to that dark place I know O so well. I trembled the other night it hit me way before that night but this time it was sinking in. Everybody needs to have some faith in me. I know I struggle with depression but my faith is greater than it. Even my lowest of lows I shall survive for my heart as deceitful as it is, rejoices in the Lord. So as I'm sitting here on this toilet seat in a place so far away from home wondering about so many things but with my knowledge of God I find peace so to my fellow friends I say don't be angry for me, don't be sad for me and don't cry for me for it is well with my soul and may it be well with your soul too.♡

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