Chapter 5

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Lucy's P.O.V

I woke up slightly out of energy. I sat up and looked around to see I was not in the apartment. If anything I had no idea where I was.

I heard the sound of the door and turned in my direction toward it

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I heard the sound of the door and turned in my direction toward it. There had been Kou with a small tray. He sat it on the table in front of me before he looked at me. "You are awake. The doctor said you passed out from exhaustion and hunger." 

"Kou-kun, where am I?" He sat next to me. 

"My home. I would have had my ride take you home but Kimi, Yuka, and I didn't know where you lived." I forgot that I never invited those two to the apartment. 

"Thank you" I looked at the tray of food to see Miso soup and onigiri with a glass of water on the side. My stomach let out a low sound causing me to blush.

"Lucy-chan you can eat you know?" I nodded. 

"Did you eat as well?" 

"Lucy-chan is worried about me?" I blushed before I looked away from him. 

"It's only a normal thing to do. I mean you got a doctor to come here and things and I don't know how long it's been since I came here so I wanted to know- " He turned my face toward his.

"Lucy-chan" My blush darkened.

"I find it cute that you're thinking about me

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"I find it cute that you're thinking about me." Looking at him now I understood why so many girls fell into his trap. My heart was beating like crazy, all from a look and words. He slowly began to move a little closer to me. Was he trying to kiss me? I found myself doing the same. Suddenly my mouth had an onigiri placed inside of it. "I made a little extra for myself so I ate it while you were asleep." He backed away from me. 

What was that? I was actually falling into his trap! I chose to ignore it and started to eat. "Okay"

"Lucy-chan, did you want to kiss me?" I paused and looked away from him. 

"O...o...of course not, pervert." 

"Cute" My eyes widened. 

"Huh?" Out of nowhere, I found myself being pinned to the bed. Right now in front of me was Kou. In any normal circumstance, I would have been yelling at him or pushing him away but looking at him now put me face to face with my fear. His fangs were so sharp and his left eye began to change color. 

"You're so cute, Lucy-chan." I can't show fear but I couldn't do anything. Was this more than fear? "Do you want to see something? It's something only a few people know about me." He chuckled at my silence. "I guess you might have noticed it already. Judging from your reaction you are afraid right?" If I showed that I was or told him that I was, would I be able to make it out of here alive? I shook my head. "Lier" He let go of me. "The expression you had, said it all." He stood up. "I am going to make some more tea." 

The look he had, looked to be with sadness. As much as I wanted to speak, my mouth was glued shut and my legs were weak. 

Kou's P.O V

I didn't understand why I chose not to bite her. So what, she appeared afraid, so did Yui but that didn't change anything. I paused, who was this sympathetic person? My door opened. I turned around but before my mind could register what had been going on, I found myself being wrapped in a blanket of warmth. 

"I'm not afraid of you, you know." Lucy's voice was soothing to my ears. "I just didn't know how to process it." I wrapped my arms around her waist. 

"You looked afraid when I showed you." 

"That was because of the way you did it. Of course, I would be afraid." She looked at me in my eyes. "But sometimes we can't let our fears get the best of us, right?" I felt my cheeks redden. I gave her a small smile.


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