Deviless | Transgender [F]

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No one requested this I just kind of wanted to do it so here you are.


Summer's beauty filled a south Californian city. From the windows of a tour bus and the eyes of a broken heart, it seemed barren and dull. For too many days, Chris' friends kept their distance, but his lingering frown was getting concerning.

"Chris," Angelo addressed him as he walked into the living room area. "You can't stay cooped up in this bus depressed all day."

He didn't dare look away from the window, "Who says I can't?" He muttered.

"Me." Ricky snit. "Ange is right. You're getting pathetic. We have a day off today, let's use it. I have a friend that works at a sports bar in town. Let's go get some wings and watch the game."

"I don't want to go out. I don't feel well." Chris softly replied.

Angelo and Ricky shared a look of annoyance. Being the partners in crime they were, they wordlessly put a plan into action. The two grabbed Chris and pulled him onto the bus floor. Then they forced him to stand up.

"You aren't sick. Just heart broken. You're coming with us, whether you like it or not." Angelo said.

"Maybe we can find you a hot piece of ass too. Get your mind off that cheating bitch!" Ricky beamed. "No go get ready. Make yourself look pretty."

Chris moped towards the bathroom. "I'm still not happy about this."

"You'll thank us later." They both replied in unison.


A greeter sat the three friends at a table. Ricky and Angelo instantly fell trance to the football game on the TV screen above the bar. Chris took a look around and saw nothing that excited him. He crossed his arms over the table and laid his head over them. Meanwhile, their waitress came to greet them.

"You didn't tell me you were going to come down." She said to Ricky.

"Thought I'd surprise you." He stood up from the table and hugged her. Then he gestured towards the table, "This is my drummer Angelo, and our frontman, Ch- Chris! Stop being a rude anti-social fuck."

Angelo gave Chris a nudge. He finally lifted his head, but fell speechless when he saw the waitress stood in front of their table. Her body was the perfect hourglass and her face was beautiful, glowing like a full moon.

"Sorry about him. He's dealing with a breakup." Ricky informed her.

She giggled, "It's alright. I understand. I just broke up with my boyfriend as well."

He gave her a questioning look, "What happened?"

"He, um, he decided he couldn't take being with me like this anymore. He wanted who I used to be. It's not important though." She shrugged.

Ricky put his hand on her arm lovingly, "Are you sure? Because I will not hesitate to take my whole band to his house and kick his ass."

She giggled, "I'm sure. I'm getting past it. I do need to get back to work though." The waitress turned towards them. "My name's Devin, by the way. Can I start you guys off with some drinks?"

"Dev, come on. It's us." He joked as he sat back down. "Just skip to the wings."

"I should've known better." She teased him. "What kind?"

"Again, it's us. Give us one tray of each. Three Cokes too." Ricky told her.

"Alright, I'll be back soon. I get off my shift in ten minutes so I'll come join you when I'm done."

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