Angeless | Vanilla [F]

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This is an old BVB one-shot I reworked into MIW. I wrote it years ago so it's not the best. A few people asked for Angeless, but for this one I'm going the suggestion creds to the first person; kye_monster


I was shaking, quite a lot actually. You see, I dated this guy a few years ago when we were in a band together, and I broke it off because I thought there was something better out there. I was wrong; I was terribly wrong, because I do truly love him. Then he moved on, got married, and was happy, while I stayed a single working artist with just a dog child to come home to.

Recently he got a divorce, and I can't say I'm happy, because that would make me a horrible person. Buuuut... I wasn't the saddest person ever when I got the news. Yeah okay, I was a little happy. Now though, I'm nervous.

His name is Chris. Such a basic name, yet it fucks me up every time I hear it. He tours the world is this kickass band that terrorizes young children and makes girls pass out. They're kinda a big deal, and to think, I was once apart of that. I watched us grow from playing to like five people, to headlining huge tours like Warped. I'm still on good terms with everyone else, even though things didn't end well between Chris and I. Their guitarist Ricky is my best friend and begged me to come to the show, even though I didn't want to see Chris.

Now you probably understand why I'm nervous. Ricky asked me to show up early so he could see me before all the show chaos ensues. So, I was parking at the venue. It was about one, and their fan meet and greet won't even start for another two hours. This was the time Ricky asked me to come, but in hindsight, I should have realized that it meant I would be alone, in their dressing room, for two fucking hours. Save me, save me please.

I walked into the venue, seeing Korel. We never had much of a friendship but he was nice in greeting me. Korel told me where to find the guys. When he saw the hesitance in my face, he walked me there.

Ghost instantly attacked me. By 'attacked', I mean hugging the life out of me. He threw his arm around my shoulders, saying, "See, Vinny, I told you he's adorable." He laughed, then turned to hug me, "Hey! I haven't seen you in forever!"

I snickered, "I know! I know! I miss being able to see you guys everyday."

Ricky patiently waited for Ghost to calm down. Once he did and went back to doing his makeup, the little raccoon came up and hugged me. "Let me get you a drink." He said as he walked to the cooler.

"I'm not really thirsty or hungry or anything." I painfully admitted, seeing Chris was just out of the corner of my eye.

He kept getting ready and tried to ignore me. After what happened, I got kinda... scared out of him. It's in the past now though. I know he's changed.

"At least take a Pepsi or something?" Ricky sweetly asked, offering the can to me, "Please?"

I sighed and grabbed it from him, then looked around the room quickly, "Where's Ryan?"

"Him and Balz went out to the bus to grab the left over wings and pizza from the other night. They'll be back soon-ish, I think." A voice, I assumed the guy Ghost was talking to earlier, said, "I'm Vinny by the way."

He offered his hand, and I went to shake it and introduce myself, but I felt two arms tackle me, "Angelo!" Ryan happily greeted, "Dude, I've missed you!"

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