In My Eyes: Short Story

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Here's my first short story! I hope you like it.

Cover: Made by the person I dedicated










“Hello M&M,” my friend Heidi greets me in a horrible British accent.

I shake my head, trying to hold in a laugh. Heidi is trying to be an actress and her recent assignment by her acting coach is to try different accents. “Please don’t do that again,” I say, grabbing my books I need for classes after lunch.

“Do what?” Alison asks, coming up next to Heidi.

“Maggie does not like my British accent,” Heidi went on with her horrid accent.

Alison laughs, “I understand why.”

Heidi pouts, “Am I that bad?”

Alison and I exchange a look before we shrugged together. “Maybe try your Australian accent,” Alison suggests. “You have that one down.”

I wrapped my arm around Heidi’s shoulders, “Don’t worry. You’ll get it some day.”

We walk in lunch together and sit at our regular table. We share the table with some underclasses that are highly talkative. Where I sit I have a clear view of Brody Mitchel. I wouldn’t say I have a crush on him. He’s just always—there. Heidi has caught me checking him out before and it’d be a lie to say he isn’t good looking. Brody keeps to himself. He sits at a table alone with his head down every day during lunch. People say he’s been in a juvenile detention center while others say he’s just a sad excuse of a person.

Brody’s parents died in a house fire five years ago. Before than Brody was still a lonely type of guy, but when his parents passed he just stopped associating with people overall. It’s sad really.

“Stop checking out lonely boy,” Alison said, snapping her fingers in front of my face to bring me back to reality.

I tucked my hair behind my ear. “I was not!” I snapped.

Alison rolled her eyes as Heidi smiled. They suck sometimes.

As I continue looking at Brody inspiration hit me like a bullet. I took out of notebook and angled it so Heidi and Alison couldn’t read what I was writing. I tapped my pen against the lined paper, organizing my ideas. My eyes went to Brody again before I got it.


In my eyes you are quiet.

In my eyes you are anything but ordinary, but in a good way.

In my eyes I do not judge you from the outside.

In my eyes I see a boy who is lonely, a boy who needs a friend.

In my eyes you are attractive.

In my eyes you are a puzzle who needs solving.

In my eyes you are just like me, trying to survive high school.

In my eyes you are smart and misunderstood.

In my eyes you are not a freak.

In my eyes I see us becoming close.

In My Eyes: Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now