Shadow's Bio

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~~This is one of my favorite OCs, Shadow. He is one of my truly evil cats! This isn't exactly a story, more like a summarization of his life but... If you want to find out details about him check out my rp site on facebook! :D Always glad for new evil members... >:) ~~


Name: Shadow

Age: Unknown

Rank: Rogue

Mother: Saphira

Father: Darksoul

Siblings: Ghost (F), Star (M), Galaxy (M)

Pelt: Pure black. Long haired.

Eyes: Brilliant blue.

Name: Ghost

Age: Unknown

Pelt: Pure white. Long haired.

Eyes: Icy blue.

Rank: Rogue

Mother: Saphira

Father: Darksoul

Siblings: Shadow (M), Star (M), Galaxy (M)

Shadow was born as a rogue with his mother, father and siblings. But life was never easy for the kits, as Darksoul was cruel and mean. Their father started their training at only 4 moons, pushing them way too far and punishing harshly. Every time they would come home with scars and wounds. But the 4 kits stuck together; they had to. Saphira had little to say when it came to their treatment because she was afraid of Darksoul, but she tried to care for the kits however she could. Being the only she-cat of the litter Ghost wasn't punished as harshly, but she suffered just as much as the others.

When they were 7 moons Darksoul crossed the line during training and Star and Galaxy were killed. Shadow and Ghost were enraged but Darksoul didn't seem to care. Life carried on until Shadow and Ghost were old enough to run away. They never knew what happened to Saphira or Darksoul after that. But deep seated anger burned withing both cats and left them with a hate towards Clan cats, since Darksoul used to be one.

Shadow and Ghost grew stronger by themselves and started a killing spree, eliminating whole Clans by killing them or making them too weak to survive. They started to like it, then love it, then they were addicted. During a battle with one leader though, both of them were killed. Having Clan blood at first they were sent to StarClan and the Dark Forest, but neither place wanted them out of fear. Even the Dark Forest. So they were sent back with a curse that the stars could never have known would become a dark gift.

The curse was like this: Shadow and Ghost would be exiled into a living-dead state. They could't feed on prey like normal cats. They couldn't die. If they did, they just came back as a young cat again. Shadow eyes turned pure black, Ghost's eerily white. What the dead warriors didn't realize was that by sending Shadow and Ghost back like this they would gain deadly powers.

Shadow gained the powers of having to feed on the souls of living things, which he got by painfully sucking it out through his freaky eyes. He could turn himself into a meer shadow on the ground so nobody could hurt him, or see him. He could create shadowy vines with an icy blue glow that wrapped around you and couldn't be destroyed. He could transform into any creature, but in a strange shadowy form. He can teleport easily between his different territories. Shadow developed new skills over time, every one stronger than the last.

Ghost also fed on other things, but she fed on their life. She got it in a similar way to Shadow's, but prefered getting a little closer, and going into full combat. She could telport as well, or become a simple frosty cloud that couldn't be touched. She can also creating hallucinations of other creatures, even specific individuals. But she prefers to keep her powers a surprise, so most of them are unknown.

After gaining thse new powers the two siblings grew even more cruel, sharpening their skills to the max. They are now known to be undefeated and invinceble, even after ending their killing spree and settling down in large territories. Shadow took control of a dark forest with little sun, and he also gained a large, black mountain with thousands of tunnels that he now knows by heart. Ghost took a forest like Shadow's right  next to her brother, but now they share all territories.

After many seasons they have gained a growing group of followers, all cats with dark powers and on a hunt for revenge. Even kits were born there, but Shadow and Ghost were not out to hurt those who give them strength. Instead they train, offer advice, and act and mentors as well as leaders. They remain the strongest though, and unchallenged.

Shadow and Ghost had lived in their territories for a long time when one day, Darskoul returned. He was unaware of the changes Shadow and Ghost had gone through, and was confident he could defeat them. When he found Shadow, Darksoul taunted him and then tried to attack, but Shadow wouldn't have it. He easily dodged and with one slash to the throat he killed his arch enemy. Ghost was at first upset, because as she said:

"He was still our father."

But inside, she hated him just as much for what he did to Star and Galaxy and really wanted to join in on the kill. She wanted to hurt him like he'd hurt them, but now she was completely unnable and enraged. She came tto peace quickly though, and soon forgot it.

One day, the curse lifted though. just as suddenly as it had come, the black eyes lifted and his pelt gre long and glossy again. But he was still evil, and he still had his powers. The same thing happened to Ghost. After that they grew even stronger.

Now they live in their large territory together with anyone who is willing to follow under their leadership. Their powers growing ever stronger, they are fearsome enemies and best be avoided by all 'good' cats. Want to join them? You have the link.



Shadow's Minions:



























"There is evil in everyone, but it takes a strong cat to bring it out and embrace it as warmly as we do."

 "We do not exist to cause pain amongst other cats, that is merely for pleasure.We exist to make other cats, GOOD cats, shine."

These extra's might be updated, so keep an eye out for it! ;) P.S, the picture showing up? i drew it -3- And the video? I made :P

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