
15 1 0

Aria Winters
Light blue eyes with green flecks
Wavy blonde hair
She's nice with her friends but she's mean and sassy to whoever messes with her or her friends. She's funny.

Alliy Hope
Brown eyes with hazel flecks
15 1/2
Short, straight Brown hair with glasses
Really smart, funny and weird

Nathan Lane
Hazel eyes with gold flecks
Short black hair
Shy(mainly only with people he's not friend with,cute,funny and nervous.

Anthony Louis
Green eyes
17 (Older than Nathan.)
Cocky, hot, funny and sometimes gets on people's nerves.

Bella Dout
Long brown hair with big eyes.
Brown eyes
Rude, backstabbing, and talks about people behind Their backs and not to their face.

Will Kogan
Dark blue,Gray eyes
Short blonde hair
Kind hearted, sweet and funny.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2015 ⏰

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