Teenage Mutant Wizard Turtles

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*Donnie's POV*

It all started when the guys and I were 11; or, at least, it had been 11 years since we mutated. Does that count? Sorry, getting off track.

I was in my workshop perfecting my latest creation - a robot that could do our chores while we played video games (Raph's idea) - when I heard a scream coming from the other room that could only be Mikey. Being too focused on my work and assuming that Raph was just beating Mikey up again, I ignored it.

"Okay, relax..." I muttered to myself. If I'm completely honest, my inventions have a tendency to explode. Last time I got a black eye out of it.

I bolted the last piece on the robot, cut a few wires, and then jumped behind my barricade of boxes and spare parts.

I waited a moment, holding my breath. Nothing happened. I sighed with relief. And that's when Mikey ran in.

"DONNIE!!!!" He shouted, tackling me, causing some of my boxes to fall down.

Too late I realized what was going to happen. the boxes hit my worktable, making my robot fall down and start beeping angrily.

"GET DOWN!" I yelled at Mikey, pushing him behind the remaining part of the barricade. A split second later the robot exploded.

I felt something smack me in the face as I was knocked down. When the smoke cleared and Mikey pulled me to my feet, my face wouldn't stop throbbing. I felt something in my mouth. I spat it out, revealing a knocked-out tooth. I looked at my reflection on a spare piece of metal. I now had a gap in my top row of teeth.

"Mikey..." I muttered. "You have exactly five seconds to tell me WHY you came in here before I STRANGLE YOU!!!" I yelled. Mikey backed up.

"Sorry dude, it's just... There's an owl in the lair!" He cried quickly, ducking in case I tried to punch him in the face, which I admit I was about to do.

I stopped. "Wait, an owl? In the lair? Mikey, are you sure??"

Mikey nodded. "C'mon, I'll show you."

He led me into the TV room of the lair, where sure enough, there was an owl sitting on the couch. Leo and Raph were in there too, staring at the bird.

"What happened to your face?" Raph asked me, pointing at the new gap in my teeth.

"Oh, shut up. How did it get in here?" I asked.

"We have no idea. We were just sitting in here, and then it flew in, screeching at us." Leo answered.

I raised an eyebrow. "Has it done anything?"

Raph shook his head. "No, but it was carrying this in its mouth." He held up an envelope.

I grabbed the envelope and looked at it. It seemed to be a regular letter, but we don't get mail. I looked at the addressee:

                                          Misters Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo

                                                                           The Sewers

                                                                       New York, New York

"Well, it seems to be for us." I said to the guys.

"What is going on in here?" Sensei asked, walking into the lair.

I waved the envelope. "Letter for us, Sensei."

"Hmmm...." Sensei said. He took the letter from me and inspected it. "I think you should read it." He said finally, handing it back to me.

Teenage Mutant Wizard TurtlesWhere stories live. Discover now