
171 7 17

song: sweet creature - harry styles

tess' point of view

"I'm so, so sorry. He ducked I wasn't supposed to-"

"It's okay, arghh" I said rubbing the right side of my jaw.

"I swear I wasn't meant to hit you, I was aiming for Matthew and he just moved and you were behind him. Oh my god, what can I do to make it up to you?" he rambled.

"Ugh Shawn, she said it fine. Can we just go?" Madison whined as she grabbed onto his arm to pull him away.

"No, Madison" he said pulling his arm out of her grip and bending down to me as I was still on the floor.

"I really am sorry" he apologised again.

I laughed slightly and went to stand up falling back slightly. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet.

"Thanks" I said looking down at the ground, wiping dirt off my jeans. After the shock of the hit I realised I was talking to Shawn Mendes. We'd never talked, I mean unless you count that one time he asked me for a pen in human bio or what the date was in english lit.

Shawn was someone who naturally reflected sun rays to everyone he was around. He was this amazing singer and songwriter that played at almost all the school events. Girls went crazy for him. While I can't say I've ever been president of the 'Shawn Mendes Fan Club' which genuinely existed, I've never denied that he is more than likely a Demi God.

"How about I make it up to you at dinner tonight? Will you come over to my place?" he asked, snapping me out of my train of thought.

I was flattered, it had to be a joke though.

"It's really okay Shawn" I laughed.

But he persisted.

"No, I insist. We are having- uhhh, actually I don't know but it will be good. Please come"

"Okay, I'll be there" I gave in.

"Good, great, fantastic" He said as he started to walk away, spinning on his heel when he realised one important detail he had forgotten.

He grabbed my arm and took out a pen from the side of my school bag. He wrote his number on my wrist.

"text me so I can tell you my address and what time, okay?"

"Okay." I replied, he put the pen back where he found it and smiled a sweet smile that could cure the lives of thousands.

"Oh and if one of the teachers says anything, please just tell them that it was an accident" he said before walking off with a very annoyed Madison.

"What am I supposed to wear?" I sighed sitting down on my bed next to Chloe. Chloe has been my best friend since the begging of middle school. After we both discovered that we liked pretty much all the same things, we've been practically inseparable.  

"Clothes would be best" she said through a small giggle.

"Ha-ha" I replied. I shoved her with my shoulder, knocking her over so her face hit the pillow.

I started laughing my head off,  Chloe took the opportunity to jump back onto my bed and lay on me, leaving me squished while also in fits of laughter. 

All of a sudden the door opened and Erin, my older sister walked in. 

She took one look at us, sighed and walked out. 

Accident - Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now