Give it a Try

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A/N: This fanfiction/s aren't mine.

Yato nudged Yukine. "Hey, it's your girlfriend."

Yukine looked in your direction. "H-Huh?! Sh-she's not my g-girlfriend!" Yukine was extremely flustered.

"Whatever you say."

Yukine shoved his hands into his pockets as he watched you look at your phone occasionally to see if you were in the right place.

You were meeting Hiyori at the park because she said she needed help on "boy stuff."

Suddenly, you saw a certain brunette running in your direction. "[Name]-chaaan! Sorry I was late!"

You chuckled and said, "It's okay, Hiyori. What did you need my help on?"

"Huh? Um, well..."

Hiyori explained her situation with Yato.

"Ah, I see~ So you need my help with confessing, eh?"

"K-Kinda... I-I mean, I know you ave experience..."

What she was referring to was the time you confessed to your guy friend, who's dead now, and also a Regalia. But that was a while ago, and you were dead now, too. But whenever someone brought that up, jealousy would surge through Yukine's body.

"Hm... What do I say? Just be honest. It's not that hard..." you paused, because you forgot it was hard. You've gotten over that guy friend you had and now you had a crush on the little blonde. Yukine had the biggest crush on you, and you returned those feelings. And you had trouble confessing to him, because you knew he wouldn't.

"..Uh, nevermind." You said. "Just... tell him how you really feel. It's not worth it to lie, you know?" You gave Hiyori a cute smile.

She smiled and nodded in response. "Okay! I'll tell him tonight!"

You threw your fist in the air. "Yes! Finally, the sexual tension was killing me!"

Hiyori blushed and you laughed.

"You know, [Name]-chan, you should really take your own advice."

Your smile faded and you said, "Yeah... you're right..."

That night, Hiyori confessed to Yato, and you and Yukine watched from a distance. You two enjoyed teasing Yato and Hiyori about their little romance, and it was fun to finally see it become an actual romance.

You two were shoulder to shoulder watching this, peering out from the back door of your master's shrine.

"Hey, Yuki," you whispered.


"You know that I like you, right?"

Yukine blushed heavily and shook his head.

"Really? Hm. Well, I do."

You looked at his astonished face and smiled, kissing his cheek lightly.

After a few minutes, Yukine kissed you, holding your upper arms tightly, as if if he held them any lighter you'd disappear.

You kissed him back, of course.

After the kiss, your faces were only inches apart, and you whispered, "I guess Hiyori was right; I really should take my own advice, huh?"

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