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I don't know why I started this book. I guess if I had to give a reason, it would be because throughout all my time spent reading, both on Wattpad and otherwise, I have struggled to find books that I could really connect with, novels that could cross genre boundaries, that would keep me entertained and wanting to read, re-read, think and read again.

I'm not expecting people to do this, with this book. Hell, I'm not really expecting people to even read it. I suppose I'm just using a community like Wattpad, which I love reading from myself, to test just how hard writing a story really is, and how far I can get into what will undoubtedly be a long, challenging journey.

I really do hope people enjoy what I read, after all my experience reading others' works I would like to think I've picked up a few tricks of the trade, that I'm not absolutely awful, that someday I can use this first venture into writing, to perhaps write a piece worthy of being called a novel.

And anyone who reads this, and reads on, is undoubtedly part of my journey, part of the community that helps push me forward. I hope what I write now is entertaining enough right now, and if not, well, I hope I can improve quickly enough to capture an audience, and can only try my hardest in the meanwhile.

So, for my support given to me, for reading, voting, commenting, anything, even criticizing me, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Alfie :)

*All rights reserved for this book, it's title cover and it's content, it is my intellectual property, I do not own any of the photos and pictures used in the chapters, all credit to original artists. Thank you for reading*

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