The One With The Daddy Kink

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[Day +63]

"Good morning sunshine." I says, beaming sweetly to a moody Luke with bed hair.

"Nice hair." Danni say, eating a piece of bacon. Luke has joined us all late at the table, arriving after Michael, Ashton and Calum.

"Shut up." Luke muttered, stealing a piece of my bacon and attempting to flatten his hair in the reflection of a spoon.

"These early starts are getting to me." He said, giving up and resting his forehead on his folded arms.

"Stop whining." Michael said, ruffling Luke's hair and earning himself a slap to the arm. I agree with Luke though, these early mornings are slowly draining me of life and no amount of his massages could relieve the tension in my back muscles.

Today is the last day with our groups, and we get half the day off after we see the kids onto their bus and make sure they're all packed and they have their last Canoa meal, and then they truck off home with nothing but a sunburnt face and camp memories. Only for us to greet the new groups the morning after.

Two weeks has flown by scarily quickly. I'm enjoying myself more than I thought I was going to, except for the tight muscles and annoying kids. We saw the kids onto the bus, Calum hugging way too many of them and he received a card from one little girl with a princess drawn on the front. I swear I saw him tear up and by the nudging and teasing he got when he walked back over to us to wave them off, so did the others. He wiped his eyes.

"It's uh..." He coughed. "Dusty today."

"Yeah, sure." Luke said, raising an eyebrow.

"Anyway, now that Calum has stopped crying like a little girl. We have the afternoon off." Michael said, clapping his hands together.

"Are we going to Alben again?" Danni asked, checking her watch.

"Ice cream Ice cream Ice cream," Ashton chanted, jumping around like an overexcited puppy.

"Let's go!" Mikey said, fist pumping and we set off in the direction of the little dirt path heading down to Alben. We reached the town after 20 minutes of walking and daily life in the village was bustling. We made our way to the ice cream shop, ordering a coke float each. We sat and sipped our drinks, and we played the fact game whilst we did.

"Fact: Calum was feeding our kids chocolate behind my back." I announced, sipping my drink.

"Fact: Grace is just jealous that the kids liked me more." Calum retorted, sticking his tongue out.

"Fact: Calum doesn't like to accept the fact that he got beaten up by a girl." Luke said, sitting back in the seat.

"Fact: Luke doesn't let shit go." Calum said, giving Luke a glare.

"Fact: I hope I'm not stuck with the sevens tomorrow." Nora groaned.

"Fact: Nora hasn't finished her coke float." Michael said, hopefully reaching towards her glass and she slapped his hand away.

"Fact: I hate this game." Calum said.

"Fact: Calum is a sore loser." Danni smirked.

"Am not!" Calum said.

"Fact: Calum is out of the game." Ashton said, sticking his straw in my drink and taking a sip. I flicked him with some ice cream. Calum sat back in his seat, slightly sulky, but it didn't last for long and his cheerful grin reappeared soon after.

"Fact: This coke float is amazing." Ashton said.

"Fact: We're gonna throw Ash in the sea later." Luke replied.

"Fact: Luke got a boner when Grace got half naked for canoeing." Ashton retorted, making Michael snort.

"Fact: Ashton is the worst friend in existence." Luke mumbled.

"Fact: Boys get boners and Grace is hot I don't blame him." Nora said, standing up for Luke.

"Fact: I love Nora." I declared.

"Norace is real." Michael said, ripping up a napkin.

"Fact: Mikey is out of the facts game." Luke said, smiling at Michael. I knew that Luke was competitive.

"Fact: Danni is actually going to miss her group." Danni said sadly. "I've grown to love those kids."

Luke laughed loudly. "Fact: Danni is out of the facts game!" Luke said, smirking at Danni.

"Hurts doesn't it babe?" Calum said, and Danni nodded.

"Fact: Ashton has a daddy kink." Luke declares, clearly trying to get a reaction out of Ashton and make him lose.

"Fact: Luke can't keep secrets." Ashton hissed, bright red.

"Fact: Ashton has a daddy kink?" Nora said, laughing.

"Fact: That was a question and Nora is out of the game." Luke says.

"Fact: There are only three people left." I said, staring Ashton down and then Luke.

"Fact: Grace has pretty eyes." Ashton said, leaning on his elbow, I knew he was only trying to get me to say thank you and lose.

"Fact: That's a really nice of you to say Ashy." I say, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Don't call me Ashy!" he said frustratedly and then clamped a hand to his mouth.

"Fact: Ashton is out of the facts game." Luke said, banging on the table in a drum roll. We were probably being obnoxiously loud but I couldn't find it in me to care.

"And then there were two." Mikey said in his best presenter voice. I stared at Luke, narrowing my brown eyes while looking straight into his blue ones. I smirked.

"Fact: Ashton's daddy kink is hot." I said and watched the colour rise up his neck.

"Fact: Grace is lying." He replied.

"Fact: I'm not lying." I said, laughing.

"Fact: I hate Ashton." Luke said, flipping him off and receiving a small noise of protest from Ashton himself.

"Fact: I love Ashton." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"No you don't!" Luke said and then his shoulders dropped as I won.

"Yes!" I rejoiced and Ashton and I high fived each other.

It was almost dark and it was time that we headed back to Camp Canoa. We heaved ourselves up from where we were sitting and began to head back up the dirt path.

We reached the top of the hill which looked over all of the camp. It looked so quiet from up here compared to how busy it must look during the day. There was only a couple of lights on as we walked down the other side of the hill to get to the dorms. We bid our goodnights and fell asleep to the sound of crickets once more. I was glad that my mum forced me to go here. How else would I have saved up the money to win Sam Peters? I fell asleep deep in thought about coke floats and blue eyes.

Camp Canoa // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now