Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

There is a reason to Mister and Misses North not liking Liam. It was because of his dream. They always wanted their daughter to work in a big office building, earn lots of money, and marry a man just like her. But that's not what either of the love birds wanted. Liam's dream was to become famous and Maudie's, well before they broke up she never decided on a dream. That just gives the One Direction team an even bigger disadvantage on finding her. If they knew her dream that could help them find jobs that relate to her dreams.

Cautiously, Liam knocked on the North's front door with Niall standing behind him. The sun slowly started to vanish and was being covered by storm cloud. The weather began to effect everyone's moods causes them to be tired and not as energetic as earlier.

An average height woman with short straight black hair opened the door. Her blue eyes looked up at Liam and any trace of happiness disappeared. The negativity bounced off of the woman. Wrinkles settled across her features from frowning so much during her lifetime.

"Why are you here?" Misses North's thick accent asked. The North's aren't from Wolverhampton, but Liam isn't sure where they're from. Their accets are British but he can't indicated which part of Britian. "I'm looking for Maudie ma'am. Is she here?" Liam asked politely, trying to hide how nervous and scared he is.

Even though he towers over the woman height wise, her dark personality kills Liam's opposite bright and happy one. She has always been negative, Mister North is just like her. He doesn't talk much, but is a very serious lawyer. Sometimes Liam wonders how they haven't died of boredom and darkness.

"Well, she isn't here. She moved out on her eighteenth birthday. I know where she is but I refuse to tell you." Misses North's voice dripped with venom as she spat out each word. She tried to slam the door shut but Niall stopped it with his foot. "Hello ma'am I'm Liam's best mate Niall. If you could please give us a few minutes to convince you to tell us where Maudie is we would be delighted." Niall's Irish accent came out polite even though Liam can feel how frustrated Niall is with this woman.

She opened the door a little and stared Niall in the eyes. The two shades of blue clashed, one showing annoyance and the other determination. Liam has always admired Niall's determination, he never gives up on anything. During the X-Factor when someone would get frustrated Niall was always the one to cheer them up and tell them not to give up. Actually he'd say 'Never say never'.

"She left to persue in some idiotic and irrevelivant dream that you caused! She would see how you made yours come true and went to go live hers! All because of you." Misses North yelled loud enough for the entire street to hear. She slammed the door roughly against Niall's foot causing him to pull it back in pain. She shut it fully once the Irish lad's foot was out the other way and clicked the lock shut. Liam sighed and shut his eyes.

"She's not here. I already didn't know where the hell she could be and now I'm absolutely clueless!" Liam exclaimed, his voice slightly rose as he threw his hands up in the air. The shorter boy placed his hand on his mates back.

"We can still look. Somehow we will find her. What 'bout her dad? Does he live here?" He spoke softly, trying to comfort the upset lad. Liam's eyes focused on the concrete doorstep the two are standing on. "He doesn't like me either. They wanted Maudie to be with someone who wanted to be a lawyer or doctor, not a singer." Liam's voice was fragile, cracking a few times as he spoke.

Besides his voice, the most fragile thing left was his heart. It aches for him to have love. His friends, family, and fans all love him but that's different from the love Maudie gave him. Hers showed passion. Something no one else could give him. Only her. 

Tears fought to escape as Liam attempted to blink them away. Everything in his body told him to give up, except his heart. He knows that no matter what he has to keep going to get what he wants. But he doesn't know how to continue. England is a large continent, she could be anywhere. She could even be in a different country. There's no way Liam can search the entire world.

"I know where she is." A deep male voice said from behind Liam. The accent was familiar and sounded just like Maudie's, but a bit more manly. Liam quickly turned on his heel to see a male version of Maudie but taller. 

He knows this boy, but hasn't seen him in three years. The last time he has spoken to the boy he was sixteen, now he's the same height as Liam. His hair is a dark brown colour that falls across his forehead in thin layers of waves. A pair of soft green eyes pierced into Liam's, showing the only part of him that isn't identical to Maudie.

"Jem." Liam acknowledged the boy that was also named after a character in To Kill a Mocking Bird. A smirk filled Jem's lips as he took long strides towards Liam.

Once they both stood in front of each other Liam noticed that Jem is at least one or two inches taller than him. Back when they were younger they were the same height. "Hey Liam. So you're looking for Maudie?" Jem questioned, the smirk never leaving his lips.

Unlike his parents, Liam was always seen in a positive way in Jem's eyes. Liam was always treating his sister politely and never in a rude manor. Jem didn't care what Liam wanted to do with his life as long as he was treating Maudie well.

"Wait. I know you're name's Jem; but how do you know who Maudie is?" Niall broke in, completely and utterly confused. A small chuckle escaped Jem's lips as he looked at the Irishman. "She's my twin sister." Jem stated. Niall nodded knowingly and let Liam have Jem's full attention.

"So you know where she is?" Liam asked anxiously as he took a step towards the taller, but younger lad. Excitement rushed through Liam's veins as he waited. With a simple nod from Jem he got the answer he's been waiting for.

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