the first

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Alex held the cashew, his only true love.

"I love you, sweet cashew."

The cashew did not respond, but stared up at Alex with cold, dead, sharpie-drawn eyes.

Nick sat on the floor next to Alex and his cashew lover.

"Whhhhhhmmmm Alex give me attention!!" Nick cried.

"No... It is only the cashew now..." Alex responded as he stared deeply into the cashew's drawn-on eyes.

Nick continued whining and crying.

"I love this cashew. My sweet cashew."


"Cashew, I love you."

"No you don't. You love me."

"Sweet cashew."

"Cashews are gross."

"You're gross, McCarthy."

"I'm not the one in love with a cashew."

"Shut up." Alex threw the cashew on the ground and it shattered into a million pieces.




•• written by El Scorcho ••

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2016 ⏰

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