1. Types of people at a football match

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And when I say football, IT'S FOOTBALL NOT SOCCER.

And I'm going to talk about types of fans at a football match.

By the way, this is a picture of Camp Nou, FC Barcelona's stadium in Spain.

1. The fanboys:
Now these people are the hardcore fans of a team and they are divided into two parts:

A. The crazy ones:
These are the guys who start cheering and yelling on top of their voices and when one player misses a goal, they start yelling curses and keep commenting on how stupid they are. They keep yelling directions to the players even through the TV!



(Although I do that btw, sometimes)

B. The calm ones:
They are fans too but they are the ones who watch the match quietly and attentively and give a comment and cheer in a civilized manner.

My grandfather  is watching the match quietly and suddenly, "ooh" He says, or "foul" when one of the players foul.

2. The fangirls:
Now this is very easy to explain, since I'm a fangirl. Now, we are a breed of crazy girls who scream on top of our voices during a match, and you don't want to be around us when that happens. There are three types of fangirls:

A. Fangirls because of cute footballers:
That is I guess one of the main reasons why there are fangirls. I'll admit that there are cuties over there *cough* Neymar, Mario Götze *cough* but seriously that isn't true football fangirling in my opinion. True fangirling is I guess in the next point.

B. Fangirls because of the game:
These are the girls who are there because they like the game and they like to watch it and comment on the tactics of the game. But when they watch a match, they would act like a football analyst and they keep telling you all the rules of the match and the different tactics which gets very annoying after some time.

C. Fangirls because of both:
Honestly, this is where I belong. But come on it is really hard to watch football without getting mesmerized by the cuteness of some players. So basically these are the girls who have balance between A and B.

So, what did you like about my list?
Which category do you think you fit in? (Be honest)
Tell me if you know more types of people and don't forget to vote!

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