C h a p t e r 11

54 2 0

Cassie's P.O.V

I don't know where I was all I saw was a white room and bright lights.

Where was I?

What happened?

I couldn't remember anything that happened the last thing I remembered was going to school and kissing Taylor.Did I?Did I really kiss him?

"Cassie?Your awake!"I heard a voice call but couldn't picture the person's face.

It was Jack G. What was he doing here?

"What are you doing here?What happened." I finally realized where I was,I was in a hospital.

"Cassie you invited Anna and I to sleepover and Taylor came with.We were playing truth or dare and you had to much alcohol.You wanted to freshen up so you went upstairs and when you went to the bathroom you collapsed and hit your head on the sink.Not only did you have a concussion you had to much alcohol." I couldn't believe what he was saying..did that really happen?

"How long have I been in the hospital for?"I didn't care for the other thing I just wanted to get out of this place.

"3 weeks." Jack G had a worried look on his face as if I were crazy.


It has been 2 week since I've been out of the hospital. I've been taking things slow and haven't gone to school.I remember everything now..the sleepover,the kiss,everything.

My mother found out about the alcohol and wasn't happy.She hasn't bothered to talk to me either.

I've been very distant lately and haven't talked to anyone. I've ignored Jack's and Anna's messages so much that they've stopped messaging me.That's gonna have to change because tomorrow I go to school..and life will become reality again.


It was Tuesday morning and I had to get up to face my school battles again.

I wasn't really in the mood for dressing up so I put on a hoodie,leggings,and boots.

My mom drove me to school,but the whole ride there was silence.

When I entered the building the first person I saw was Anna.She didn't to come ask me how I was or anything she just gave me a look and walked  away.What happened? Maybe something was wrong but it was Anna she'd forget about it in a day.

I went to first period and saw Aaron and Matt..crap I forgot we had a project to work on.

When I sat down the boys looked at each then me.

"Your back..?"Matt questioned me.

"Yeah."I didn't really bother to look at them because the look in their eyes were sad.

"We finished the project.."Aaron spoke up gathering all the papers.

"Oh cool."I didn't really know what to say besides that.

"Hey Cassie can we talk..?"Aaron pulled me into the hallway.

"what."It came out to more of a demand tone.

I thought this was going to be some kind of apology but it wasn't it was worse.

"Why'd you come back?No one wanted you back!Jack G he doesn't even like you anymore.All you do it hurt people..you shoud go to hell because no one wanted you back.You should have died!"What he said hurt me so much and the bullying wasn't over.

"I'm-"I tried speaking but couldn't tears filled my eyes and I tried to runaway but was pulled back by Aaron.

"You're not going anywhere!"He mad and evil laugh then punched the side of my face and kicked my legs.

I fell to ground as he went back to the classroom.

"Mr.Carpenter where is Ms.Cassie?"I heard Mrs.Chiny say as I still laid outside the door.

"Oh see went to the office she wasn't feeling well."He lied.

I tried picking myself up and when I did I went to the bathroom and cleaned myself up.

This can't be happening.Not again.Why?Why was this happening all over again?

I had tears in my eyes and went to one of the stalls as I heard someone come in the bathroom.

It was them the 3 most popular girls in school.Chelsey,Ashley,Gabrielle.

"I can't believe he actually hit her!" I think it was Ashley that said that.

"I know right it was hilarious"It was Gabrielle she was laughing with the rest of the girls.

"Taylor played his part well to."What did they mean by that?Who did he play?

"Yeah.I can't believe she actually liked their kiss." it was Ashley and she sounded full of sarcasm.

I guess they heard me cry because just then Chelsey came in my stall.

"Looky who we have here"She had a big smirk on her face as the other girls gave me evil looks.

"What did you tell Taylor to do!?"I tried not to cry but you could tell I was.

"Oh nothing,It's over now.We gave him one job to "play" you.He kissed you...and you enjoyed it."Chelsey kept giving me a smirk as she tried to talk as if she were prod.

"But hey its not like it matter because we had this planned ever since you became "the prettiest girl" in the school."Ashley gave me that evil look as she talked.

What did I do that was so bad?Why was this happening?

"What do you want.."My voice kept trailing off and I knew I had lost.

"Not much just to make you hated again and ruin your life."Gabrielle interrupted Ashley.

"What will you-" I was cut off by Gabrielle.

"We'll send these pictures to Anna and Jack G"She handed me her phone and it were the pictures of when Taylor kissed me.Shit.

"You wouldn't...Please."I begged them not to send those.

"But we would"They all said in usion.

Just then the bell rang and they.I was left alone,for awhile.

I got up and walked out and slowly made my way to the office.I called my mom to come pick me up and she could tell there was something wrong.

When my mom picked me up she just asked me if I were okay and I cried.

"Mom i'm sorry.I was my fault.All of this.I should have told Taylor to but it-"My mom had cut me off

"Honey its okay..I know.Its just there is so much going on and went you went to the hospital I thought I lost you..I'm sorry"She had tears forming in her eyes.

"Mom Its okay i'm here."I gave my mom a hug and we drove off..

A/n so this was a good chapter in my opinion!I'm updating again today,but later!There needed to be drama so I added so and new people as you can tell!The next chapter will be more drama filled to stay tuned!Anyways hope you enjoyed!

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