Chapter Six

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She walked through the market in her new cream coloured dress. She felt beautiful in it as she walked gracefully, hiding her face from the sun under her laced umbrella. She watched the markets and her father as he sold his wares.

She gasped, wide-eyed as she watched the guards marching with another prisoner. She stepped back and onto someone's foot. She gasped again and said "I am so sorry!"

"Not to worry, Miss" Julian replied. She smiled at him and said "it's good to see you again. I thought... my God, I thought that was you!"

"Relax. I am still here, alive. The guards won't find us easily"

"How do you know?"

"Because we're smart and they want my dad, not me. I'm not stupid and neither is he, believe me"

"I can understand that... it probably goes with the territory, no offence"

"I suppose. How is your father?"

"Sick, I think. He looks so weak, helpless. I do not know what to do and to make matters worse, he is trying to set me up... marry me off. I feel like I am on sale at a farmer's market!"

"Well I'd be lying if I said I knew what your life was like"

"Where is your father?"

"Away from here, I came alone to sell wares so if your father thinks he can get to my father, he can get lost"

"I doubt he wants your father, calm down!"

"I can't calm down, he's a prime target!"

"Why, who is he?"

"I can't tell you, I'm sorry. He's good, that's all you need to know" Julian replied slyly as he looked around. He took a bag of coins from an older man as he pushed a barrel towards him. He opened the bag, nodded and walked away slowly.

Victoria followed him and asked "what did you just sell him? What kind of illegal produce do you sell?"

"Nothing illegal, we sell the rich people's favourite drink, tea. Tea leaves fetch high prices and allow us to do some maintenance repairs but aren't you the curious one?"

"I guess I am. Please do not stay here long; I do not want you to get caught"

"I can run fast, easily. Don't worry about me; I'm just one of my people. There are plenty more people out there willing to talk to you, I'm sure"

"That is just it though; you are the only one I can really talk to. My father will not listen, insists on this marriage. I do not want to be on display or have a marriage arranged by him so he can get rid of me and hopefully stop me from wanting to speak to you"

He shrugged and walked away. She followed him and asked "are you going home now?"

"I don't have a home, the sea is a large place filled with homes"

"So where do you make port?"

"I don't so don't ask. He's not stupid, my father I mean. We never stay in one place for too long, never come back to the same place the next day and we're not coming back here for a few years, father's rules and all. Listen I don't want you to be in danger so do whatever you have to do, I mean it, Victoria"

"You remembered my name?"

"What, didn't you remember mine?"

"Julian, I remember you"

"Good to know. Of course I was not overly worried about you, you are safe, are not you?"

"I don't know, that's the life at sea, you never know what's going to happen, where you're going to go, what you're going to do or who you're going to see. I am who and what I am and I'd never subject someone to that... or to waiting for me. If you don't want to be married because of me... don't wait for me. If you find a man, take him, love him. Don't sit there and hope I'll come back... I don't want that for you or anyone"

"Can't I come with you?"

"Not unless you're ok with life at sea, with the possibility of never returning. You'd be a crook, a criminal, a pirate like us. We live by the pirate's code, not the law. If you were found... you'd be hung with us, Victoria. I don't want you to get hurt so I won't let you come with me... I can't. Even if I could keep you safe, I couldn't guarantee you'd have a life if you want to leave"

Julian hurried back onto the ship. It was a tough swim but he did it, finally. He climbed aboard and watched them sail away. His father wasn't the one steering for once; he merely looked into the waters and said "we won't be back here for a while, son"

"I know that, dad, I know. I'll miss her but it's the only way to make sure she's safe, protected. She knows what I am, she doesn't know who you are... what you are, dad. Call this the first of many sacrifices, losing the one you think is your soul mate"

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