Chapter 2

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"It's about some summer camp that my sister signed me up for." -Me

"That's so cool!" -Nichole

" No it's not! I won't know anyone there because it's a private camp!" -me

"So! There might be some cute boys there!"  -Nichole

Cue a sigh and facepalm.

That's Maku---->

Except her right eye is black, left is red(slinted like a cats). and she has neko ears and tail that she hides. The ears and tail are silver-ish. I don't own the picture.


CHAPTER 2: My Family

I was on the airplane listening to random songs like 'Day and Night' by kid cudi, 'Airplanes', and other random stuff on there that I didn't feel like deleting. I was trying so hard not to scream at the Grown Man kicking my seat, the people on either side of me that won't stop talking to each other, and the parents infront of my scolding their child for tripping the flight attendent. 'Please just kill me.' I thought. After what felt like 28 hours but was probaly only 6, the plane landed. I was imidentaly out of there, ignoring the complaints of the other people my age that were trying to do the same. 'Haha Losers!' I thought. I was almost to the exit when I got tackeled (hugged to the max). "Maku, sister dearist, why have you not visited me! I hate when you do this to me!" my youngest older brother Mikato proclaimed. 'What did I do to deserve this?' I thought.

"Why are you here?!" I yelled.

"We heard from Scarlet that you were going to camp so of course we'd come along to!"

"'We!' you don't mean the rest of them are were to!"

"Of course they are! their just in the car with Scarlet! come on we got to get going before they leave us! Follow me!" He grabbed my bags and we were going to the exit.

"Hey you!" I heard someone call out. I figured it was for someone else and closely followed my brother. "Hey, I know you can hear me!" Someone said while grabbing my shoulder. Me and Mikato stopped.

"Yes?" I asked trying to be polite while removing his shoulder from my shoulder. The guy who grabbed my shoulder had onix colored hair and eyes to match. His hair kinda looked liked a duck's butt though, and he looked kinda emo-ish and angry.

"I'm Sasu-"

" I didn't ask for your name. What do you want?" I say rather rudly

" Jeez I just wanted to ask if you think I'm hot."


"My idiot friends dared me to. So."

"No, can I go now?"

"yeah, please do." We took of towards the door again while he went back to his rather large group of friends. I took a deep breathe once we were outside and sighed. We got to the car and I was imediatly glomped by my family. My eldest brother Derek, the middle brother Camreon, Mikato, The eldest of all of us- Scarlet. I have another brother that's also older than me but he's currently under cover, His name is Beck. We're all either assassins/ninjas/spies or are in secret training to become so( you learn to become all three or more). I know all the basics to kill someone, how to pickpocket, how to collect information without being suspicious or caught, and a few other things. Derek tripped and I ended up being on the bottom of our friend-ship pile. Great. I was struggling and suficating.

"Can't....Breathe." I mustered out. They quickly scrambled off of me and watched as I just layed there trying to catch my breath. Camreon pulled me up and into the car while the others took my bags to the car.

"So, Scarlet is only dropping us off at the island. She doesn't plan on staying to long." Derek said.

"pfft, I'ma make her stay the night....somehow." I mumbled to him.He just chuckled. The rest of the ride consisted of the radio blasting, yelling about which colored ferrari would look better in our garage, arguing about that we're lost or not lost, and on which type of music or radio station we should listen to. I participated in almost all of our arguing and also started most of them. I Love my crazy, random family of crazies. I guess I'm one too. We finally got there after an hour (which should of taken two But my sister ignored most driving laws, she said they were 'unneeded.') we were pulling up to the island when a semi truck almost hit us. My brothers went back to arguing while me and my sister cursed him out with our windows down. He paled and zoomed off. Then we all argued about which animals are better than others and who would win in a fight. All the windows were down and we were still arguing as we got out of the car. I went with wolves and snakes since I couldn't decide, Scarlet went with dolphines, Derek was also with wolves, Camreon was with lizards, and Mikato went with goats. We were probaly getting strange looks but we were to caught up to care.

"If a goat and lizard went into battle, it's obvious that the goats gonna win!" Mikato exlamed

"It's also obvious that a wolf would win against a goat!" Derek said while highfiving me.

"pfft. My goat could totaly kick a wolf's ass anyday!"-Mikato

"Your goat doesn't stand a chance against my lizard!"-Careon

"Oh please, my goat will eat all things in sight. Muhahahaha!"-mikato

"Just like you?" I smirked

"Don't be like that, Maku." -Mikato

"You set it up all on your own when you said my wolf couldn't destroy your goat!" Derek said defending me.

" Fine, fine. your wolf can eat my goat. But my goat will still eat Camreon's lizard and Scarlet's dolphin!" -mikato

"Hell to the no it won't!" -Scarlet

"I'm with you on that one!" -Camreon

"What happened to your snake argument, Maku?" -Mikato

"It would be an emberassment to the species to have them in this convo. I only have the wolves there because I have back-up." -me

"I ain't nobody's 'back-up'!" -Derek

And that was just the start to my crazy summer.


I'd say this is going well. sorry for any typos. I will have a picture of each character up at some point. peace slaves. Muhahahahahahahahahaha*cough* *cough* *hack* *hack*. You saw nothing!!!!!!!!!! My haters are my motivators- copyright not intenteded. nothing!!!

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