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Disaster: The humans have somehow discovered Nekotalia, and has not just declared war but also has been bombing Nekotalia and all around. Most Nekos of the new Generation were not born yet, so they're okay, but this was a tragedy. Only two Nekos were not discovered and taken away from Nekotalia. While this was going on a  called organization Shadow's formed a place to keep the supernatural species safe; Fort Independence.

At first, there was only the loud buzzing of the jet engines. Then came the metal rain. At first, no one knew what was happening. A cottage in the center of the town suddenly exploded, leaving the people shaken, thinking it was a simple gas explosion. But once houses started shattering on every street and the whole of the earth was quivering, that was when the citizens began to panic. They knew something must have been wrong.

Flashes of multi-colored fur and leather-skinned people raced in every direction, filling the air with their fearful screams as they attempted to take shelter in and under anything they could; wishing wells, underneath homes, and even in logs in the forest at the edge of the village.

Flames licked at the sky and crackled as they fed on the wood from the tiny cottages that used to be the pride of the town. The village was known for their architecture, after all. Ash swirled in the air and covered the blackened bodies of the townspeople as more bombs fell from the scarlet sky, destroying what little things that were left. The men above, hiding in machines with wings, wanted the villagers dead.

But not all of them had perished, for a small boy crept out of the rubble of large structure; the castle that had stood high and housed the king of the country, Nekotalia. He gasped and choked for air, swatting at the smoke and still fiery orange ashes that floated amongst the red and black sky. Brushing his silky but torn and tattered clothing and his furry white ears and tail, he took off towards the forest in the distance. Wood cracked and splintered under his feet, the little patches of fire that still fed on the ground attempting to stop him, attempting to claim him and take him, along with the other bodies that lay scattered about that had received such an awful fate.

No tears streaked down the boy's dirty cheeks as he ran, for he wasn't wanted here anyway. He did not care about the forsaken village one bit, and was determined to show it by running right past a fellow canine boy like him. The other boy, a brown-furred husky, tried to call out to the white wolf, but the wolf ignored him, his determination too powerful to help the husky. The dog collapsed in the wolf's wake and became buried by another exploding structure's debris. A pang of guilt hit the royal in the gut, however only for a moment, before another bomb plummets suddenly from the air and slams into the ground in front of him, throwing him backwards.

His ears rang with a high-pitched noise, blocking out all other sounds as fire swarms around him in a cloud. Blinking and hissing as the smell of burning flesh fills the air, the neko scrambles to his feet and unsteadily bolts off, away from the destruction.

The human-wolf neko continued to run, alone in the dead village, until the trees of the forest concealed him and the hissing of the falling bombs subsided into a soft boom. The young prince finally dropped to his sore knees and onto his side, coughing and splattering blood across the damp soil. Finally sleep claims him, death waiting silently for the perfect moment to take him away from the horror of the world.

Soon, the dreary metal rain had come to a halt, all too late, though.

There were only very few survivors of this horrible attack, one of them being the white wolf. But there was another known one, a husky. A chocolate brown husky. He was not dead, like the other villagers.

The canine lifted his head, drowsy and lungs swollen from breathing in so much smoke. By now, the bombs had stopped falling, but in the distance the sound of leaves crunching and guns being loaded could be heard. The humans were out to kill any survivors.

The husky got up slowly, being cautious of his surroundings. He took a look around trying to see a path out, but a clicking sound was heard a couple meters ahead, interrupting his thinking.

The canine spotted a free route to his left, thinking of a plan to escape, he dashed behind a close broken wooden crate.

The footsteps were heard, getting closer and closer to him, and as he glanced to his right he spotted a pebble. Picking up the pebble, the husky threw it at a metal crate ahead of him, to the left of the footsteps. They quickened, so he grinned at the thought of tricking the footsteps.

After quickly killing the human soldier that casted the footsteps, he dashed out from behind the wooden crate he ran off to the left into the forest.

While sprinting through the forest the husky travels a couple kilometers before tripping over someone. Landing on his back, he looks up to see a person with white hair, ears and tail. This person was passed out on the forest floor, injured and bloody, covered with ash and debris from the bombing. The husky's eyes widen in surprise.

This..... This person is a neko too!

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