Chapter 2

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Jiyong POV

2 weeks later.

Taeyang: How is Hyelin?

"Hmm,she have been sick this past few weeks. Always going to the toilet,"

Daesung: Maybe she is.. you know.

"NAH, it is impossible, it have always been like that. There was more than once, she had the runs and vomitted quite a lot, the doc say it was just a minor one, i gave up checking,"

Daesung: Oh my god! Hahahaha!

"AH!Two days later is my anniversary, what should i get her?"

Daesung: Watch?

"Bought that for her during her promotion,"

Seungri: Bracelet.

"Bought that too many times,"

Daesung: Gadgets?

"Bought the latest phone last two weeks,"

Daesung: Yah! You bought her evrything already. What do you expect

Seunghyun:Just buy a package and put inside her favourite brands.Her favourite clothing, her favourite shoe, her.

"Ah! Kurae! She did mention to me she needed a sport shoes but she want us to wear a couple shoes,"

Daesung: Great! Hurry go and look for it. I will follow. Kaja!

All of us headed to the shopping outlets and bought a so called box, all her items and done. I quickly went home and left the gift at Daesung's.

"Yah, hyelin! Hyelin! Jagi" i look for her on the first level

Not in the kitchen and the dog's room.
I went up and saw her lying down looking so pale.

"Yah! What happen to you?"

I quickly sat beside her on the bed and put my hand over her head.

"You are not having a fever, but you look so pale,"

Hyelin: I went to the toilet more than 6 times today to throw up

"Want to visit the hospital?"

Hyelin: uh. Ani! I went already just now.


Hyelin: Just now.

"What did the doc say? Are you sick anywhere?"

Hyelin: Ani.. Just food poisoning.

"Aigoo, eaten your medicine?"

Hyelin: Ne oppa. Go and rest you must be tired

"How am i going to rest with you like this,"

She showed a smile and pat my shoulder. I look at her as she fall asleep. I kissed her forehead and head to wash my face and check my mobile phone.

The next morning.

I woke up earlier than her due to the endless of waking up because of Hyelin throwing up.

I made for her porridge and prepapre warm milk for her and orepared imfront of her on the bed.

"Jagi.. Wake up,"i pinched her nose

She stretched and stretched and squint her eyes to look at me

Hyelin: Oh.. Oppa..

I helped her up and look at her.

"You rarely vomit, what happen?"

She wanted to drink the warm milk but end up running to the toilet throwing up

He Is My Husband, GDRAGON. (BIG BANG FANFICTION) (Gdragon)Where stories live. Discover now