Welcome to Scales Wind (Chapter 1)

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{After Episode 22 of season 2}

Night had begun to simmer onto Scales Wind after a long sleep Laurence was wondering the large castle. He looked at the beautiful cottages, restaurants and other lovely things that gathered in Scales Wind. He let out a soft sigh as he watched the night, he had climbed the roof to watch the stars and to be alone.

He couldn't believe he had become a shadow night in front of Aphmau it pained him that he had not thought about how she would react. He lept from the rooftop, landing without a scratch on the ground sending dust clashing into itself until it formed a nice ring. There was a slight rustle from the bushes with a swift move Laurence had turned around with his sword readied.

A shadow moved broadly upon the castle walls circling into the forest, without a thought Laurence began the chace. He swerved around a tree, the plants clawing at him as he continued on his pants were coated in gashes with the seams beginning to loosen. Laurence continued on chasing the figure he finally reached it at a small clearing it's silhouette stayed comfortably stood in the middle with it's head tilted down. Carefully, Laurence stepped forward brushing past the bushes the figure was of a human and it looked to be hidden behind a cape. Laurence quickly grabbing the hood tore it off learning the face of, Zenix.

He looked shocked in disbelief.

"Zenix!" he exclaimed steading his sword. Zenix put a cold hand onto the blade pushing it down and away, Laurence looked at the menacing man that once threatened his beloved Aphmau.

"No need for combat," Zenix said with a devilish grin.

"You went rogue, you betrayed you own people" Laurence muttered angrily, "...you don't have people anymore."

Zenix turned back to Laurence who stood head covered by the shadow of the night. Laurence was full of power from his before coincidences, Zenix still smiling graciously.

"What's with the kitty ears and tails" Zenix teased but there was no response from Laurence, "Hmm cat got your tongue."

He snickered flaring Laurence after Zenix, he swiped his sword close to Zenix's face. He was so close he could see Zenix's blood red eyes glowing menacingly.

"I am not someone you can...can control!" he exclaimed in a fluster as a loud crunch of leaves silence the fight. You froze as you spied behind a tree at the fight that you didn't want to intervene but you had given Laurence the chance to topple Zenix to the ground. Although soon after Zenix had conjured a gust of smoke blinding both of you and soon disappearing.

"Hmm," Laurence said turning to you behind the tree as you pleaded he wouldn't.

"Hi." You said dumbfoundedly making the man smile, it looked as he hadn't in awhile.

"Hello," he chuckled as you slipped into the moonlight he could see the shine of your <Hair Color> hair as it glistened with your <Eye Color> eyes following.

"I am sorry I shouldn't have intruded I'll go" you said backing away from the guard.

"It's fine, do stay it seems you've been here longer than me" you smiled at his offer and nodded in reply.

"Do you live here in Scales Wind" he asked, that was a difficult question you hadn't really lived anywhere but you often had passed by Scales Wind as you traveled the world.

"No...not quite" you admitted in a hush whisper.

"Are you camping nearby" he asked, once more you didn't want to answer so you just shook your head. "Hmm, maybe you could stay at the castle with me and my friends!"

Your eyes lit up at his request and agreed, he had told you about the story of the cat ears and tail it made you giggle foolishly but it was nice to laugh too.

"I feel like this 'Michi' girl sounds familiar" you said aloud. Laurence raised an eyebrow in question but you couldn't proceed onto telling him how you knew her but somehow you did.

"So your friend Aphmau...perculeure name, you're in love with her but your friend is too and you don't want her falling in love with you while he is not here. Noble," you said with a slight smile to comfort him but it seemed only to dampen the mood. You both soon entered Scales Wind where you were introduced to Nicole and the lovely Aphmau, you had questions.

"So Aphmau you and-" you said but were soon cut off by Laurence.

"I think she means you and Nicole are being so hospitable it's honorable," he says making you confused but you played along with his ruse.

"Charmer! Well feel free to stay at the castle but no funny buisness" Nicole said and you gave her a stern nod.

"Well nice to meet you Y/N, hopefully we may become friends" Aphmau chirped but was interrupted as a dark blue haired kid was chased by a woman with light blue hair. They were too fast for you to distinguish their physical appearance.

"You little! Dimitri give me back my weapons!" the woman exclaimed as she swiped the gold cuffs from him. The boy now had a upset expression but it seemed to be served right.

"No fair!" he whimpered and was straightened out by Nicole who you had thought was his mother.

Aphmau giggled as you saw your new friend Laurence eying her you nudged him slightly and he turned back to himself normally.

"Well...I think we should get some sleep it's late" Nicole said as everyone rushed upstairs. Nicole showed you to your room and you thanked her as you soon fell asleep on the soft mattress.

~Dream State~

'Y/n, I know about your powers' a voice hissed.

'B-But! How? I demand you tell me!' you yelled at the darkness.

'Many reasons child...many, would you like me to tell you how you got them!' it hissed once more but you were interested in it's offer.

'Y-Yes' you stuttered and it began in a harsh raspy voice.

'You were born at the time of the war of magic where all magic beings wanted to be the only ones alive. You were the product of a war of magic being part of the child of two different magic beings, after the war had ended most were killed you were the only child to be born at the time of the war as it began to end. So each leader of the groups decided to infuse a part of their groups magic into you so you would be sacrificed to show the powers didn't matter, your mother and father denied to sacrifice you and that it wasn't right but no one listened to them. The night of the sacrifice your parents ran away but were killed in the process but you managed to escape, somehow. After that the groups had another year of war until they found a being to sacrifice although the hunt for you continues because you have the magic of all magical beings.'

You wanted to hear more as you listened intently.

'What else' you asked but the voice was gone.

~End of Dream State~

You woke up in a cold sweat in bed, the blankets were intertwined and the window was spread wide open. Your head hurt and your vision was fuzzy but you managed to close the window. You fell into a nearby arm chair annoyed you pushed yourself back up and onto the bed, with your power you could hear everyone in the house or castle? You listened intently.

"Okay, when they get the boat I will be hiding in the compartments below" you could hear Dimitri planning out to go to Phoenix Drop.

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