You and Me. (Chapter 20)

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Your P.O.V:

Magnus sighed entering the dining room where I was sat moving around a piece of a pancake with my fork. 

"Guess their ending it," He said pushing the seat next to me plopping down and huffing a breath.

"Ending what?" I ask still focused on the floury breakfast.

"The wedding Giana said well from what Clyde referred to, she doesn't want to do the wedding because she wants to be by Javier's side." He sighed rubbing his temples in distress.

"She's stopping the wedding because she never wanted to get married in the first place," I said pointing my fork at him.

"Really? Somewhere I expected that. They do put on a good act very convincing," Magnus squabbled frantically twiddling his fingers.

"Don't worry," I say patting his shoulder. "If you want I could talk to him tonight or you know you could do it yourself?"

"Nah I tried, that's really the only thing I got out of him." He said throwing his head back. "You forget he's a shadow knight."

I go silent turning myself back to the plate pushing the pancake back and forth. Sure, I usually dismissed the fact but Magnus took it so seriously. Clyde is still somewhat a good person. He wanted to marry someone, that'd mean he loved her in someway and she isn't dead...I knew I was hiding this fact from myself but Magnus' attempts to pry it from me were aggravating.

Though at the time I'm still heartbroken about Zane and it stung to bite my tongue to hold everything back. I managed.

"Hey, I think it would be good if you talked with Clyde. I mean he still thinks of you as his best friend, I'd try to live up to that act." Magnus scoffed before walking away.

What act? I-I was still Clyde's best friend, or maybe somewhere deep down I was pushing him away. Was I that afraid of him as a shadow knight? For crying out loud I could be half shadow knight or am! I was going to see Clyde, to show him I was there for him. To show Magnus I am still a good person.

I walked back to my room. I sat on the bed abandoning the normal armor I had on. Usually a chest plate because most of your important organs lie there or in the head. I remember Koel had lectured that to me early on in training. Funny, he's probably happy to be rid of me.

I spent the day wandering around the castle, I like the grounds behind it. Trees were everywhere put there was a nice rose garden that caught my eye. The sun had begun to go down so I rushed back into the castle.

I saw the silver haired male drearily looking out a window, a book to his side. He looked harmonious, truly he looked at ease. He turned to me his scarlet eyes making me jump back a bit before a kind smile played along his lips.

"Y/n! Magnus told me you wanted to talk with me," He cheered. "Come on, if you want to talk in private there's an awesome tower where no one can hear the conversation. Plus an awesome view. It's located right underneath a river, I was hoping you and Magnus could go fishing with me there but I'd have you get a look at it first."

I smiled genuinely, "Ya that sounds fun."

He grabbed my hand gently racing along the castle to the farthest part. He opened a door that I thought was a closet, he put a finger to his lips to indicate to be quiet and we began walking a heavy feet of stairs. Out of breath we reached the top. He closed to door and it made a small click as he locked it. I ignored the fact.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Clyde asked and I scratched my head.

 "Shoot I forgot," I laughed as I was so tired I lost my train of thought.

"Okay, then hmm let's start a conversation." He pondered, "It's funny, this'd be much smoother if I had something to say. Alright well."

Before I knew it he was gone then reappeared holding a small dagger to my throat. I didn't dare move afraid the blade would pierce my skin.

"I have something to say." He made a cold laugh that filled through my ear, "Today you'll die so there's no point in embarrassment. I made Giana wed me because I had a plan to become a shadow knight. Make her fall in love with me and then I would reciprocate those feeling, then I could get rid of her and have a kingdom under my thumb. Though she never really loved me and now I don't think she ever will. I thought there was a chance but you ruined it filling her head with blatant ideas.

Thinking about it, you were the only choice I had. I needed to become a shadow knight to save the others. Zenix was killing multitudes, so I sent Magnus out to find you.  He was supposed to report to me after a week but it seemed he enjoyed following you around. Then I saw you myself, good to know it was that easy. Honestly I never wanted it to end like this. I imagined something a little more romantic."

"Well good to know," I growled.

He smirked, "Magnus knew from the start. He knew you were meant to die and he never told you. He could've but he didn't."

I felt frozen barely able to move as I tried to breathe but nothing ever came.

"I wanted to get rid of him for toying but we got to this point so it doesn't really matter." He turned me to him slowly planting a kiss on my lips before pushing the dagger into my stomach.

Slowly I was pushed off the edge of the tower down to the river below. The dagger still deep in my gut, the air surrounded me as I watched my blood float before my eyes. Unimaginable pain immersed, me was this death? I watched the figure of Clyde slowly fade away, the silver of his hair the last I saw of him.

Then I hit the water a surge of cold ran around my body as I plummeted to the river like a rock sinking to the bottom. I tried to move but I felt stuck, I couldn't breath, I couldn't think, and I couldn't feel my body anymore. That's when everything went black.

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